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The following service(s) can be used for compliance purposes.

ValidateFiscalID and ValidateVatNumber

The ValidateFiscalID and ValidateVatNumber services are used to validate a given FiscalID or VAT number as the names already imply (a mandatory property). The country in which the respective ID or number is being checked is determined based on the country organization unit of the inquirer, or by providing a CountryID (an optional property) in scenarios where the country ID is different than the inquiring users country ID.

Example: an Italian tourist walking in a dutch organization unit would require a CountryID input of IT instead of the organization unit CountryID NL. Filling in IT as CountryID will override that of the organization unit. This ensures that Fiscal ID validations are cross-checked against the proper country.


Country codes are as per ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2.

Here is how the service looks in action:

"FiscalID": "MRTMTT91D08F205J",
"CountryID": "IT"

"VatNumber": "NL001028789B01",
"CountryID": "NL"

There are three possible responses, detailed as follows:

0Unknown - when status cannot be checked for whatever reason (Configuration, downtime, etc...
1Success - when the provided FiscalID/VAT number is valid
-1Failure - when the provided FiscalID/VAT number is invalid

POS Fiscal ID tile

In order to use this service on your front end (POS) during a checkout, you will need to add it as a Checkout option.

A Fiscal ID tile will then be presented under order options as shown in the below screenshot.

IPad Pro screen


Countries supported for Fiscal ID validation are Great Britain, Brazil, Argentine and all european countries using the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES).

The list of supported countries is updated on a regular basis.

POS Vat Number tile

A front end implementation to this service is currently in progress. For the time being, please use ValidateVatNumber


The CreateFinancialPeriodAudit service is used to create a new audit collection of all currently open financial periods for the given organization unit ID. The OrganizationUnitID acts as root selector and will cascade down to all 'child' organization units as well (if applicable).

  • The setting Auditing:AuditGeneratorName should be set with a value DATE_RANGE in order for the CreateFinancialPeriodAudit properties From and To to respond.
  • This feature makes the IsPreview functionality obsolete.