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Invoice Export Status and Retry Attempts for E-Invoicing Portals

This document lists and details the current status of eligible invoice exports to local tax authorities and describes the option to retry if not completed successfully.


A few permissions impact the usability and visibility of content on this chapter, as follows:

  • To view invoices on this chapter, you must have the InvoiceExports permission with scope View.
  • To be able to resend invoice exports, you must have the InvoiceExports permission with scope Manage.
  • To view and edit the User(customer) information, you must have Invoices permission with scope view and edit.

Permissions are managed via the Roles and Rights chapter, specifically from the Functionalities card of a user's role.


The chapters initial overview provides a list of all invoice exports that are eligible of reporting to the local authorities.

In addition to standard columns, the following are noteworthy:

  • Invoice Number: The number assigned to the invoice upon completion of the eligible order.
  • Order ID: The identifier for the order eligible for invoice export to local authorities.
  • Type: The name of the e-invoicing portal used by the local authority (example, SDI, NTH, Vertex)
  • Invoice Date: The date when the invoice was issued, as referenced in the invoice number.
  • Status: The current status of the most recent export attempt, with four possible outcomes:
    • None: No export attempt was made, so no information was sent to the local e-invoicing portal.
    • Failed: The export attempt failed, and no information was transmitted to the local e-invoicing portal.
    • Pending: An export attempt is currently in-progress, awaiting a response from the local e-invoicing portal.
    • Completed: The export was successful, and the information was processed by the local e-invoicing portal.

Invoice tabs

Each invoice export once clicked will consist of 6 tabs, as follows:


The first tab includes two cards, detailed below. Use this tab to modify information before making any re-attempts.

General Information

The information on this card mirrors what is available in the overview.

Clicking the Order ID link directs you to the Order Detail Page.

This card is not editable. However, the ability to edit customer (user) information depends on the current status presented. None or Failed will allow editing in the preceding card User information.

User(customer) information

You can edit the details on the second card only if the export status was None or Failed.

The prefilled information will correspond to the details provided at the time of order completion. Whereas, any amendments made will be reflected on the new invoice being reattempted.

To make edits, click the 'pencil' icon. After updating the details, click Save and resend invoice. Recheck the Status field from the General information card or the chapter overview to get the updated response from that re-attempt. A refresh is required to see the updated status.

Invoice Resending Support

The ability to resend invoices is currently limited to Italy's e-invoicing portal, SDI. We plan to extend this feature to additional portals and will announce updates accordingly. For detailed information on each field and requirement, please refer to the e-invoices section in the Italian compliance documentation.

Order information

The second tab is a representation of the Order lines tab as seen in an orders Orders overview. This is purely for convenience purposes to have it here as well.


The third tab, will include input if the e-invoice went through a Failed status or is currently in a Failed status. The notification will describe the nature of the error.

Error codes

If the error description does not fully clarify the cause of the failure, consider consulting the documentation of your local e-invoicing portal. This resource may provide a comprehensive list of error codes and additional information that could be helpful.


The fourth tab lists all XML export attempts made to the local tax authorities e-invoicing portal that are related to the eligible order. This includes the initial export and any subsequent retries.

Document type - e-invoice

The document type of eligible e-invoice exports is called e-invoice. This also applies to the Documents tab under the Order Overview chapter.


The fifth tab provides an overview of any activity performed by a user on the underlying e-invoice. This includes any changes made from the User(customer) information card.


The sixth tab offers a detailed view of the requests and responses exchanged with external systems (example, SDI in Italy). It shows the dates and statuses of exports.

Selecting an export displays its request and response details, including the timestamps.