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Reservation cleanup

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Reservation cleanup

Cleaning up abandoned reservations

Not all orders get picked up, and will require an employee to return the reserved items back to their proper place.


In order to be able to access this chapter, you need the CustomUserTasks permission.

When products are reserved for customers by way of a Click & Collect order, the items get reserved and should be physically moved for customers. Depending on your configuration, these orders can be paid or unpaid.

Whatever the reason, sometimes consumers will not come by and pick up their orders. After some time, such orders will need to be cleaned up. In other words: they need to be moved back to their proper location in store in order to become available again to other consumers.

Luckily, EVA will keep track of these orders and initiate Reservation cleanup tasks (once again, based on your configuration).

Any order requiring such cleanup is displayed in the Reservation cleanup overview. The chapter displays the following information via its headers:

  • Task ID: This column displays the task ID.
  • Start time: When the task was started, if applicable.
  • Deadline: This column displays the date in the following format (DD/MM/YYYY).
  • Urgency: This column displays urgency level (Yes/No)
  • Status: This column displays the status (To do/In progress).
  • Description: The (brief) description added when creating the shipment.
  • Related order ID: If applicable, the corresponding order.
  • Special product: This column displays special product information if applicable by means of Yes or No, which is based on the property HasMarkedProducts.
  • Assignee: The user's full name.
Select the OU

Don't forget to select the relevant OU in the bottom-left.

Opening up one of these tasks will show you the details of the task itself, the attached consumer's and the products contained in the order.

The Quantity to return displayed is how many of the products ought to be cleaned up. Mind that this does not necessarily have to include every product in the order.

You can either pick up the corresponding Reservation cleanup task in the Tasks App, which will give you the most options when it comes to cleaning up and refunding, or you can open up the Cleanup products modal in Admin Suite itself.

The latter can be done by clicking Cleanup products in the top right of the details page.