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To create a discount campaign, we use CreateDiscountCampaign.

Example request:

"Name": "", // required
"Description": "", // optional
"BackendSystemID": "",
"BackendID": "", // optional
"StartDate": "01-01-20xx", // optional
"EndDate": "01-01-20xx", // optional
"KeepDiscountsWithinCampaignTimespan": "trueorfalse", // optional - When set to true, discount linked to the campaign are forced into the timeframe (start/end time) of the campaign. The start/end time of the discounts under the campaign aren’t mutable anymore and the campaign start time will become required. If there is already a start/end time in the discounts, this will be overwritten by the value of the campaign
"CurrencyID": "insertcurrency", // optional - This is the base currency of the campaign. Discount linked to the campaign can be of a different currency. If the currency is set, the backend will keep track of the total discount given on the campaign. The currency can no longer be modified when a discount within the campaign is used.
"Budget": "a value", // optional - Input here can be a decimal value which in turn indicates the campaign budget.
"DeactivateDiscountsWhenBudgetIsReached": "trueorfalse", // optional - The value indicates if the discount(s) within the campaign need to be deactivated once the budget of the campaign is reached or not.

This service returns the CampaignID for your new discount campaign.


To see your newly created discount, call GetDiscountCampaignByID using the ID that was returned from CreateDiscountCampaign.

Example request and response:

"ID": 3 // required
"ID": 3,
"Name": "The People's Discount",
"Description": "The people's discount",
"StartDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"EndDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"KeepDiscountsWithinCampaignTimespan": true,
"BackendSystemID": "the_peoples_discount",
"BackendID": "the_peoples_discount_1",
"CurrencyID": "eur",
"DeactivateDiscountsWhenBudgetIsReached": false,
"TotalDiscountGiven": 0


To list an overview of all discount campaigns, call ListDiscountCampaigns. The call will return the following properties:

"PageConfig": {
"Filter": {
"Name": "", // optional
"Description": "", // optional
"BackendSystemID": "", // optional
"BackendID": "", // optional
"StartDate": "01-01-2020", // optional
"EndDate": "01-01-2020", // optional
"CurrencyID":"EUR", // optional - it represents the base currency of the campaign
"Budget":"a numerical value", //optional - represents the campaign budget via a monetary/numerical value
"BudgetProgress":"a numerical value" //optional - indicates the budget progress in percentage. The percentage used


Discount campaigns can be updated using UpdateDiscountCampaign. ID is required and unchangeable, everything else can be modified/updated.

"ID": 0, // required
"Name": "", // required
"Description": "", // optional
"BackendSystemID": "",
"BackendID": "", // optional
"StartDate": "01-01-20xx", // optional
"EndDate": "01-01-20xx", // optional
"KeepDiscountsWithinCampaignTimespan": "trueorfalse", // optional - When set to true, discount linked to the campaign are forced into the timeframe (start/end time) of the campaign. The start/end time of the discounts under the campaign aren’t mutable anymore and the campaign start time will become required. If there is already a start/end time in the discounts, this will be overwritten by the value of the campaign
"CurrencyID": "insertcurrency", // optional - This is the base currency of the campaign. Discount linked to the campaign can be of a different currency. If the currency is set, the backend will keep track of the total discount given on the campaign. The currency can no longer be modified when a discount within the campaign is used.
"Budget": "a value", // optional - Input here can be a decimal value which in turn indicates the campaign budget.
"DeactivateDiscountsWhenBudgetIsReached": "trueorfalse", // optional - The value indicates if the discount(s) within the campaign need to be deactivated once the budget of the campaign is reached or not.

if valid, the service will return {}.


To delete a discount campaign, we use DeleteDiscountCampaign. When setting ArchiveRelatedDiscounts to true, all discounts that are attached to this campaign will also be deleted.

"ID": 0, // required
"ArchiveRelatedDiscounts": false