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📈 What's happening


The What's happening publications are like top-secret files, exclusively for our eyes only (New Blackers' only). We do not hold copyright or redistribution permissions since that's not the purpose of these publications.

Check below how the content is being used and what the publications intend to achieve.

What's happening

"What's happening" are summarized industry publications intended to:

  • Keep New Blackers' updated with our fields latest news, trends, and developments.
  • Save you time i.e., you don't have to read through 10-100's of pages. The update is provided in a nicely designed and short summary.
  • Be on top of your game when communicating with existing/potential customers, partners or even colleagues.
  • Provide inspiration for possible future/roadmap EVA developments.

2022 Publications

PublicationDateBrief description
I - Tech trendsAugust 2022The most significant technology trendsOpen publication
II - Function-firstSeptember 2022- Guidance to CIOs on how to select commerce tech.
- An attempt to standardize the functionality included in each commerce tech market category.
Open publication

2023 Publications

PublicationDateBrief description
III - Total Commerce ExperienceMay 2023More insight on what Total Commerce entailsOpen publication