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Targets and types

EVA boasts an extensive range of event export targets, which all have their own specific types. This page will give you an overview of all the targets available and several real-life examples to go with it.

The following table shows the complete list of all targets. Optionally, you can use GetEnumValues and enter EventExportTarget.

As for the event types, the list we would have to create would be immense. So if you want to take a look at the kind of event types available, call GetEventExportTargetTypes with one of your preferred targets. List calls are available to some target types as well, such as ListCashDeposits.


To give you a sense of the kind of information included in various events, we've got some basic examples lined up.

If there's an IsSystemGenerated property, it indicates whether or not the order is an order generated by EVA to mirror an existing sales or purchase order in POSO or SOPO flows.

"UID": "b107a139-c641-479c-a164-d333f3d414e7",
"CreationTime": "2021-08-25T16:03:54.777Z",
"TimeZone": null,
"Target": "Order",
"EventType": "created",
"Identifier": "62",
"BackendID": null,
"BackendSystemID": null,
"Region": "euw",
"Data": {
"IsSystemGenerated": false
"Attempt": 1

Stock event flow deep dive

In most cases, the basic examples here above are enough to show you what an event looks like.

Because we're feeling particularly masochistic however, here's an entire flow - consisting of 19 events - which shows what happens from the creation of a PO to its receipt in the store.

For some additional context, in this situation we started out with two kinds of products, but only received one of the two while completing the receipt/order. This way the flow also displays some cancellation events.

"TimeZone": null,
Settings can influence event exports

There are some target/type combinations which are influenced by settings. The StockMutation Created event for example can optionally show you the QuantityOnHand as well. This can be enabled by setting EventExports:AbsoluteStockLevels:Enabled to true.

As for this specific example: note that the order of events published is NOT guaranteed to be sequential: always validate this before overwriting your absolute stock levels.