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Creating reasons for users to choose from during certain incidents

This chapter allows you to create and manage the reason(s) prompted to a user once a certain scenario is triggered like, an order return, a refund, a unit price modification, and more.

Located within the Control module, the Reasons chapter is accessible under the Order tab.

This tab displays a list of cards where you can set reasons for the following occurrences:

  • Organization returns: used when sending back items to suppliers, e.g. RTS
  • Customer returns: used when a customer wants to return items
  • Refund corrections: used when a customer requires a refund without retake
  • Unit price corrections: when an item needs to be discounted

You can manage these reasons by:

  • Deleting, Editing, or Translating them using the corresponding icons next to each reason.
  • Adding new reasons by clicking the corresponding '+' icon.

The reasons you configure here will be the choices available for users operating inside your stores as well as for Admin Suite users.


In order to be able to access this chapter, you need the cards corresponding functionality with the desired scope:

  • Organization return reasons card requires the functionality ReturnReasons;
  • Customer return reasons card requires the functionality ReturnReasons;
  • Refund correction reason card requires the functionality RefundCorrectionReasons;
  • UnitPriceCorrectionReasons card requires the functionality UnitPriceCorrectionReasons.

As you can see, each line also contains a 'translate' icon, allowing for easy translations per Country and Language.

Create reason

Creating a reason is the same regardless its purpose. Adding one can be simply done by clicking the corresponding reasons '+' icon. This will prompt a modal where some fields need to be filled in: Name, Description, Backend ID, Priority and Organization unit (or Set), of which only the Name and OU are mandatory.

By setting a Priority you can change the sequence of the reasons displayed in the selector. The higher the number, the bigger the priority. This makes it easier for you to use different priorities for multiple OUs. The latter is done by means of the OU field - it lets you indicate where exactly the reason should be available.

When dealing with products that deviates a lot, it is advisable to use a scale of 1-10 for the root level, 10-30 for the country level, and 30-100 for store level, depending on the specific feature variables.

The Name field is what will be displayed for users in practice.

Organization return reasons

This card pertains to organization return reasons. These are used when items are sent back to suppliers, i.e. RTS flows.

Customer return reasons

This card pertains to customer order return reasons. These reasons are available when a customer indicates items have to be returned, for example because its not the right size or when they've simply changed their mind and ask for a refund. I.e. a flow from customer to organization unit.

Refund correction reasons

Used when an item requires a refund, but the customer would like to keep the item regardless. This return without retake flow is often used by customer service employees.

Unit price correction reasons

Used to alter the price of an item. Although the end result can be the same, this is not the same as a refund. Unit price corrections can be performed at any time when an item should not be full price, due to damages for example.