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Recommended hardware and infrastructure

Making use of the following list of hardware devices and infrastructure setup ensures EVA can run smoothly in your stores. While other devices and/or infrastructure setups may be possible as well, we can't guarantee EVA will work as easy and smooth as we intend it to.

iOS 16.4

The App Suite succeeding the Companion requires your iPhone devices to run on iOS 16.4 or higher. Make sure to update your devices.


Here's a list of all hardware we suggest for our various EVA devices and peripherals.

Once again: any hardware that does not adhere to the standards mentioned here, has not been tested to such an extent that we can guarantee smooth operations.

SetupPreferred device
POSiPad Pro or iPad Air capable of running the latest iOS and preferably not older than 4 years
Customer Facing DisplayiPad Pro, iPad Air or Mini capable of running the latest iOS and preferably not older than 4 years
App SuiteiPhone capable of running the latest iOS (though we recommend a birefly delayed update) and preferably not older than 4 years
Payment terminalVerifone P400 Pin Pad

While other models maybe possible, Local mode compatibility is guaranteed with the P400
On premise Watchtower deviceTailor-made OnLogic device

To make ordering these devices as easy as possible, here's some direct contact information for you to use:
Jesse Kastelijn
Account Manager
Direct: +31 88 520 0757
Receipt printerEpson TM-m30 / TM-m30II / TM-m30II-NT

EVA supports escpos and the dialect for StarMicronic
Cash drawerConnected to receipt printer
Handheld scannerDataLogic Mobile Scanners (Bluetooth)

Other USB scanners, such as Zebra, might be programmed for use with iOS as well


Here's a list of the infrastructure we require for our devices.

Any form of infrastructure that does not adhere to the above standards is not tested to the extent where we can guarantee its solidity and adequate performance.

High Speed Internet ServiceStable High-speed DSL/Cable/Fiber connection (at least 4Mb/s up AND down)

Stability over speed (0% packet loss during normal operation
Stable High-speed Fiber connection (over at least 20Mb/s up AND down)

Stability over speed (0% packet loss during normal operation
A fail-over connection4G/5G (mobile) backup connection
In-Store Wifi ConnectionWifi network with 100% store coverage(managed) Wifi network with 100% store coverage (including active handover support) on the 5GHz range
Watchtower Device InstoreWith unrestricted access to the (public) Internet
Eva Client Devices (inc. Watchtower)Recommended to be on a separate vlan/subnet
MDMUse of ABM for app distribution


POS Watchtower
Allow local mDns traffic from POS to Watchtower
Allow communication from POS to TCP port 8080 on Watchtower
Allow internet communciation TCP 443 from POS and Watchtower to

EVA Cloud POS/CFD/Watchtower

POS*.on-eva.ioTCP/UDP443API requests to EVA
POS*.eva-online.cloudTCP/UDP443API requests to EVA
CFDcdn.contentful.comTCP/UDP443Fetching content to display
Watchtowercratecache.azurecr.ioTCP/UDP443Fetching container images
Watchtower* container images (this one can be removed after October 14th, 2024) container images container images container images
Watchtower*.on-eva.ioTCP/UDP443API requests to EVA
Watchtower*.eva-online.cloudTCP/UDP443API requests to EVA
Watchtowerhosted.mender.ioTCP/UDP443API calls to Mender
Watchtowerhosted-mender-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.comTCP/UDP443Fetching data from Mender
UDP123NTP traffic to synchronize local time
Watchtowerhooks.slack.comTCP/UDP443Sending urgent notifications to our Slack
Watchtower fetch the default app settings
CFD content and translation fetching for translations for translations for content
Vertex integrations

If you have an integration with Vertex, please check with Vertex which endpoints require whitelisting.