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Core 2.0.731

April 2, 2024

Released on all test and acceptance environments on April 2, 2024

Will be released to production in EUW and ASE on April 8, 2024*

Will be released to production in CUS on April 9, 2024*

release notes image


🆕 Using multiple giftcards

Our API giftcard services now accept the AllowMultipleCardsPayment property, enabling giftcard payment methods that include paying with multiple giftcards.

For more information, please see Accepting multiple gift cards in one payment.


🆕 Local mode orders with customer identifiers

To facilitate attaching customers to orders while in Local mode, we've created the service called SetCustomerIdentifiersOnOrder.


This service allows you to add the following identifiers:

  • UserID
  • UserBackendID
  • UserSubscriptionID
  • UserCustomID
  • EmailAddress

These identifiers are then used - in that sequence - to try and match the orders created during Local mode to existing customers in EVA Cloud. The service works according to the following rules:

  • The very first property that matches an existing customer will be used to match the order and customer - any other identifiers coming from Local mode will be discarded.
  • If no property matches, but the Local mode's order data contains an unknown email address, then an anonymous order will be created with that email adress. Once again: all other data is discarded.
  • If EVA can't find an existing user, and the order has no email address, no customer will be attached.
  • Lastly: EVA ignores user requirements when adding customers to orders.

🆕 StationID in API giftcard handler - Card-info

To improve on the whitelabel giftcard handler, we're now including the StationID and OrganizationUnitID in the Card-info request to the giftcard endpoint as well.

✅ GetReturnableStatusForOrder

EVA now filters out OUs in the GetReturnableStatusForOrder call which are not able to take returns when indicating to not return an order in the original OU.


  • API type users can now subscribe users to subscriptions which are not in the current set.
  • Even if 2 devices create StockReplenishmentTaskData simultaneously, EVA will no longer create 2 records.

    there will no longer be situations where products can no longer be removed from the blocked list

  • GetAvailablePaymentMethods will no longer return that PIN is available when it's actually not.


⚡ Removed from typings

These deprecations are now halfway through their deprecation timeline. As of now, these services and/or fields will no longer be exposed by our typings.



  • High AdditionalOrderData.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ShoppingCartResponse.AdditionalOrderData.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
    • GetOrderResponse.AdditionalOrderData.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
  • High AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListAvailableShippingMethodsResponse.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
  • High Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetFinancialPeriodDetailsResponse.Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • CreateOrderFromShoppingCartResponse.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetOrderResponse.Result.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • EVAPayGetInfoResponse.Result.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetStockReservationTaskResponse.Result.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListOrdersForCustomerResponse.Result.Page.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListStockMutationsResponse.Result.Page.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • ListOrderLinesResponse.Result.Page.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListBookingsResponse.Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • PaazlGetShippingOptionsForOrderResponse.Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • CreateOrderLineUnitPriceCorrectionResponse.Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High ShippingMethods.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetShippingMethodsForOrderResponse.ShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
  • High ShippingOption.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • PaazlUpdateShippingOptionsForOrder.ShippingOption.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • RitualsPaazlUpdateShippingOptionsForOrder.ShippingOption.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High ShoppingCart.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ShoppingCartResponse.ShoppingCart.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Task.Lines.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Lines.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Task.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High WorkSet.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • StartStockReservationResponse.WorkSet.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High WorkSet.Orders.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • CompleteReservationDeviationTask.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • StartReservationDeviationTaskResponse.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts

Release dates may vary

The exact date for deploying a Core release to production environments may vary. See How we handle Core releases for more details.