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Core 2.0.734

April 23, 2024

Released on all test and acceptance environments on April 23, 2024

Will be released to production in EUW and ASE on April 29, 2024*

Will be released to production in CUS on April 30, 2024*

release notes image


No breaking changes.

Specific topic

🆕 Reprinting shipping labels for Consignor

To allow for reprinting of Consignor's shipping labels (PDF/ZPL), we've introduced a new Blob Mime type: application/zpl. This new blob type is currently only used to set the blobs for Consignor files.

✅ Correct EOD reports

In addition to the Core drop 2.0.732's change to the calculations for Period closing reports, we've now changed the way we calculate SalesInvoiceQuantity to not just exclude transfer orders, but replenishment orders as well.

🆕 IsCancelled in OrderCustomType

We've extended the order line level variables of the OrderCustomType extension point with IsCancelled, allowing you to further finetune what order custom type is applicable for what orders based on cancelled lines.

Increased payment settlements file size

To enable EVA to work with payment settlement files with larger sizes (> 30 MBs), we have adjusted the UploadPaymentSettlementFile service.

Uploads will now be converted into blobs, specified with BlobID in the request.

🆕 New repair status: Started

We're introducing a new status for repairs to be able to differentiate between when an Execute repair task has been created or started: Started (7).


🆕 Compliance changes

🇫🇷 Compliance changes in France

🆕 New fields on POS for NF203

The GetAuditingSummary service now returns new fields related to NF203 certifications. These new fields are now visible under the Auditing Summary section in POS. The new fields are:

  • NF203 Certificate Name
  • NF203 Certificate Number
  • NF203 Certificate Version
🇵🇱 Compliance changes in Poland

🆕 Customer details removed from Paragon Fiskalny

Customer details have been removed from the non-fiscal section of the fiscal receipt (Paragon Fiskalny).

🆕 Updating e-invoices

For the purpose of e-invoicing, we are introducing a new service: UpdateInvoiceUserData.


The service accepts the following properties:

  • Mandatory
  • InvoiceID
  • Optional
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • EmailAddress
  • PhoneNumber
  • FiscalID
  • Address1
  • HouseNumber
  • ZipCode
  • City
  • Subdistrict
  • District
  • State
  • CountryID
  • CompanyName
  • CompanyVatNumber
  • CompanyFiscalID

Any non-specified optional property will retain its current value.


"InvoiceID": 12345,
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": null,
"EmailAddress": ""

In this sample, only InvoiceID and FirstName would be updated.

✅ MailThermalInvoice

The MailThermalInvoice service will be invoked when there is no CertifiedInvoice (Thermal) stencil configured.


🆕 StockLabelID to ListStockForOrganizationUnitsFilter

To facilitate filtering on stock label we have added the (optional) StockLabelID to ListStockForOrganizationUnitsFilter.


🆕 Email invoices

A new service called EmailInvoices is now available. This service allows you to email all invoices associated with a specific OrderID in a single email. This can be particularly useful for exchange orders where multiple invoices are involved.

✅ ListAvailableUserTasks

We have made a small improvement to ListAvailableUserTasks to only return HasActiveFullStockCount as true for Full stock counts that have a start time or assignee.

🆕 Filtering ListUnitPriceCorrectionReasons on OU

The filter for ListUnitPriceCorrectionReasons service now accepts a new parameter: OrganizationUnitID.

This will result in the service displaying all reasons of the OU sets the OU is part of.

✅ Limit OrderSearch to 10k results

When the OrderSearch has more than 10.000 results, EVA will respond with a total of 10k now. This is already put in practice for the Product and User search and results in better performance.

🆕 ListStockForOrganizationUnit

We've made several improvements to this service, including the addition of a new field called TotalStockValue.


Where the service used to accept an OU(set)ID in either the header or request body, but with only the header one resulting in the display of properties like UnitCost, we've now changed the service to accept the ID from the request body (if provided) and to integrate the following product properties:

  • OU specific:
    • TaxRate
    • UnitCost
    • UnitPrice
    • UnitPriceInTax
  • TotalStockValue which is a calculated field of UnitCost * QuantityOnHand

✅ Uniqueness check on companies

To add some safeguards to company creation via API, we've added a uniqueness check on BackendID to both Create and UpdateCompany.


✅ Removed BreakOnDeprecations

We have removed the setting BreakOnDeprecations.


It was originally introduced in Core drop 2.0.664 as a way to keep specifically acceptance environments from breaking. In its current form it is not seeing any use and we intend to return with a better solution at a later stage.

✅ SFS delivery tasks

The following settings pertaining to an (unused) SFS delivery task flow in EVA have been deprecated:

  • ShipFromStore:DisableAutomaticReceiveShipment
  • ShipFromStore:DeliverDeadline


  • All properties can now be used as offsetts in Cookbook 2.0, including non-string properties such as OrderID.
  • EVA now excludes deleted devices from the PIN availability checks.


🆕 Introduced

These deprecations and requirements are now announced for the first time. Usage of these services and/or fields will return the appropriate EVA-Warnings header.



  • High Products.Value.CurrencyID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use CurrencyID on the stock item instead..
    • ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.CurrencyID
  • High Products.Value.TaxCodeID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use TaxCodeID on the stock item instead..
    • ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.TaxCodeID
  • High Products.Value.TaxRate is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use TaxRate on the stock item instead..
    • ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.TaxRate
  • High Products.Value.UnitCost is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use UnitCost on the stock item instead..
    • ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.UnitCost
  • High Products.Value.UnitPrice is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use UnitPrice on the stock item instead..
    • ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.UnitPrice
  • High Products.Value.UnitPriceInTax is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use UnitPriceInTax on the stock item instead..
    • ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.UnitPriceInTax
  • High Data and MimeType in UploadPaymentSettlementFile are deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: use BlobID instead.



  • Highest Field StartTime is required and will be enforced as such in 2.0.798.
    • SearchOrders.StartTime


  • High BlobID in UploadPaymentSettlementFile is required and will be enforced in 2.0.766.

⚡ Removed from typings

These deprecations are now halfway through their deprecation timeline. As of now, these services and/or fields will no longer be exposed by our typings.



  • High EVA.Core.Services.Management.Discounts.GetDiscountCoupons is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.750: Use ListCouponsByQuery instead.
    • GetDiscountCoupons
  • High ManualUserIdentifiers is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
    • UpdateSubscription.ManualUserIdentifiers
  • High Options is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.750: Moved to RequirementOptions.
    • CreateProductRequirement.Options
    • GetProductRequirementByIDResponse.Options
    • UpdateProductRequirement.Options
  • High Result.Page.Options is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.750: Moved to RequirementOptions.
    • ListProductRequirementsResponse.Result.Page.Options
  • High UserIdentifierPrefix is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
    • UpdateSubscription.UserIdentifierPrefix
  • High UserIdentifierStartNumber is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
    • UpdateSubscription.UserIdentifierStartNumber
  • High UserIdentifierSuffix is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
    • UpdateSubscription.UserIdentifierSuffix

🚫 Effective

These deprecations are now effective. As of now, these services and/or fields are no longer available in EVA and can no longer be used.



  • Medium Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • GetFinancialPeriodDetailsResponse.Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Order.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • CreateOrderFromShoppingCartResponse.Order.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • CreateOrderFromShoppingCartResponse.Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Children.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.Children.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • CreateOrderLineUnitPriceCorrectionResponse.Result.CustomFieldsV2
    • GetOrderResponse.Result.CustomFieldsV2
    • GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.CustomFieldsV2
    • EVAPayGetInfoResponse.Result.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • GetOrderResponse.Result.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
    • EVAPayGetInfoResponse.Result.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Order.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • GetStockReservationTaskResponse.Result.Order.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • GetStockReservationTaskResponse.Result.Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Page.Children.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.Children.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Page.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.CustomFieldsV2
    • ListOrderLinesResponse.Result.Page.CustomFieldsV2
    • ListOrdersForCustomerResponse.Result.Page.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Page.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • ListOrdersForCustomerResponse.Result.Page.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Page.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • ListStockMutationsResponse.Result.Page.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • ListBookingsResponse.Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium ShoppingCart.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • ShoppingCartResponse.ShoppingCart.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium ShoppingCart.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • ShoppingCartResponse.ShoppingCart.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Task.Lines.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Lines.OrderLine.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Task.Order.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Order.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium Task.Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium WorkSet.Order.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • StartStockReservationResponse.WorkSet.Order.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium WorkSet.Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • StartStockReservationResponse.WorkSet.Order.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium WorkSet.Orders.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • CompleteReservationDeviationTask.WorkSet.Orders.CustomFieldsV2
    • StartReservationDeviationTaskResponse.WorkSet.Orders.CustomFieldsV2
  • Medium WorkSet.Orders.Lines.CustomFieldsV2 is deprecated since 2.0.734: Use CustomFieldValuesWithOptions instead..
    • CompleteReservationDeviationTask.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
    • StartReservationDeviationTaskResponse.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.CustomFieldsV2
Impact descriptions

For more detail on the impact categories, please see When are changes communicated?.

Release dates may vary

The exact date for deploying a Core release to production environments may vary. See Back-end (Core) releases for more details.