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Core 2.0.747

July 23, 2024

Released on all test and acceptance environments on July 23, 2024

Will be released to production in EUW and ASE on July 29, 2024*

Will be released to production in CUS on July 30, 2024*

release notes image


No breaking changes.


✅ Audit files

We optimized the audit files generators for Poland and Portugal.

🆕 E-invoicing Spain

EVA now supports e-commerce in Spain from a compliance perspective.


🆕 GetUserSubscriptions

To facilitate filtering on a user's subscriptions in the front end, we are making some changes to the GetUserSubscriptions service.


We've added the following filters to GetUserSubscriptions

  • LoyaltyProgramGroupID
  • LoyaltyProgramID
  • Name → will filter on subscription or loyalty program name
  • UsageType

The response of the service will also be extended with the following properties:

  • LoyaltyProgramGroup.Name
  • LoyaltyProgramGroup.Description
  • UsageType

🆕 Sorting of products in Product relations

To facilitate a customized order in which products (as part of Product relations) are displayed in your e-commerce front ends, we've added the optional property Sequence to the product relation management services (such as AddProductRelations).


This new property is also returned in product related services when product relations are included:

  • GetProductDetail
  • GetProductRelations
  • SearchProducts
PrimaryName: "You might also like",
Direction: 0 // enum, Unidirectional,
Relations: [
PrimaryProductID: 1,
RelatedProductID: 11,
Sequence: 1
PrimaryProductID: 1,
RelatedProductID: 12,
Sequence: 2
// ...

The same goes for GetProductRelations and SearchProducts when IncludeProductRelations is true.

🆕 Exposing custom field order

The property Order for custom fields is now visible in the ApplicationConfiguration and GetCustomFieldMetaData as well.


✅ Removed Case minimum character amount

The Case related services no longer have a minimum amount of characters requirement.

Other topics

✅ CancelledLines in StockReservation templates

For a more detailed overview for your customers of what part of their orders will be delivered and which are cancelled, we've added a new object called CancelledLines to the StockReservation and StockReservationPartly templates.

This new object exists next to the Lines object (which cannot contain the cancelled lines due to being shared across other templates).

✅ Increased product search refresh speeds

Thanks to various improvements, the speed at which the product search refreshes after changes have been made is much increased. This includes changes such as adding products to an assortment, or creating new products.

🆕 New OU type: Mobile

We are introducing a new OU type to EVA: Mobile.

As the name implies, this type is intended specifically for portable OUs and can be the child of a Shop OU. This can be used for indicating a truck acting as a pop up store for example.

Mind that this is part of an upcoming feature which is still in the works.

✅ Price updates and custom taxes

EVA now allows for price updates in specific situations where custom taxes are applied - as is in the case of AvaTax and Vertex calculations - and loyalty rewards and discounts are in play.


  • Fixed an issue with returns when using Consignor.
  • OUs with templates containing multiple timestamps per day (taking into account siesta for example), will no longer have issues with auto-open/closing.
  • Line breaks on thermal receipts will no longer cause amounts to be split across lines.
  • The UploadProductExcel will no longer cause 404 errors.
  • The RepairReadyForPickup template now receives updated tax rates from the repair order, preventing incorrect tax amounts due to updates which happened on the order.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect documents being generated for NTH orders.
  • Custom order types can now be created with the same name as one already deleted.
  • Shipping interstore orders without the ForcedManualShipment permission is no longer possible.
  • Images will now be correctly displayed on templates as based on content cultures.


⚡ Removed from typings

These deprecations are now halfway through their deprecation timeline. As of now, these services and/or fields will no longer be exposed by our typings.



  • High InitialPageConfig.Filter.ApplyFor is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.763: Use UserTypes instead..
    • ListEntityFieldValidators.InitialPageConfig.Filter.ApplyFor

🚫 Effective

These deprecations are now effective. As of now, these services and/or fields are no longer available in EVA and can no longer be used.



  • High AdditionalOrderData.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ShoppingCartResponse.AdditionalOrderData.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
    • GetOrderResponse.AdditionalOrderData.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
  • High AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListAvailableShippingMethodsResponse.AvailableShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
  • High Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetFinancialPeriodDetailsResponse.Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • CreateOrderFromShoppingCartResponse.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetOrderResponse.Result.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • EVAPayGetInfoResponse.Result.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetStockReservationTaskResponse.Result.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.Children.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListOrdersForCustomerResponse.Result.Page.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListStockMutationsResponse.Result.Page.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • ListOrderLinesResponse.Result.Page.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ListBookingsResponse.Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • PaazlGetShippingOptionsForOrderResponse.Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • CreateOrderLineUnitPriceCorrectionResponse.Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High ShippingMethods.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • GetShippingMethodsForOrderResponse.ShippingMethods.ExtraCosts
  • High ShippingOption.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • PaazlUpdateShippingOptionsForOrder.ShippingOption.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • RitualsPaazlUpdateShippingOptionsForOrder.ShippingOption.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High ShoppingCart.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • ShoppingCartResponse.ShoppingCart.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Task.Lines.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Lines.OrderLine.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High Task.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High WorkSet.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • StartStockReservationResponse.WorkSet.Order.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
  • High WorkSet.Orders.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts is deprecated since 2.0.747: Use Costs.Amount instead.
    • CompleteReservationDeviationTask.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts
    • StartReservationDeviationTaskResponse.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.ShippingMethod.ExtraCosts


  • Low BackendSystemID is deprecated since 2.0.747: We've dropped the usage of the BackendSystemID. The BackendID itself should be unique throughout the application landscape. Values given in this property will be ignored..
    • PushCase.BackendSystemID
Impact descriptions

For more details on the impact categories, please see When are changes communicated?.

Release dates may vary

The exact date for deploying a Core release to production environments may vary. See How we handle Core releases for more details.