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Clientela is a retail assistant platform designed for clienteling management, client data capture, and more. Clienteling is an approach focusing on building long-lasting and personalized relationships with clients to enhance the shopping experience and drive business. This is achieved by leveraging data about their preferences, behaviors, and purchases.

If you're using Clientela and would like to integrate it with EVA, then this page is for you.


To use this integration you are required to have an account with Clientela and be able to supply the necessary information for configuration.


To set up the integration, apply the following AppSetting: App:Clientela:BaseUrl.

This setting requires a base URL and is configured to include a button in the Loyalty App. Once set, the button will be displayed under the Customer details section, allowing users to be redirected to the customer's Clientela profile when tapped. If any of the parameters have no value for the current user, the button will not be shown.

The button will utilize the following format: {ClientelaBaseUrl}{One of the below values}.

{User.ID}From the response of GetUser property ID
{User.BackendID}From the response of GetUser property BackendID
{User.CustomID}From the response of GetUser property CustomID
{CurrentUser.EvaID}From the response of GetCurrentUser property ID
{CurrentUser.EmployeeNumber}From the response of GetCurrentUser property EmployeeNumber
{CurrentUser.CurrentOrganizationName}From the response of GetCurrentUser property CurrentOrganizationName
{CurrentUser.CurrentOrganizationID}From the response of GetCurrentUser property CurrentOrganizationID