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App deprecations

Part of being adaptive to change is the ability to say goodbye to Apps which just don't cut it anymore. This page will give you an overview of our App deprecation process and the Apps currently in those flows.

We are currently in the process of phasing out Admin 1.0 (replaced by Admin Suite) and Companion App (replaced by App Suite).

These deprecation flows will go through four different phases:

  1. Maintenance mode: during this period we're no longer actively adding new functionality to the app, unless we're explicitly asked to do so.
  2. Deprecation mode: no development is performed aside from keeping up with deprecations - support is still available.
  3. Phase out mode: although the Apps are still live, there's no development, no deprecations and no support.
  4. Switch off mode: all necessary functionality has been moved over to Admin Suite and/or the App Suite, making its predecessor redundant and safely switched off.

The following dates show the duration of these modes. Mind that these are not set in stone but give a good estimation:

  • Companion

    • Maintenance mode: Done
    • Deprecation mode: Since April, 2024
    • Phase out mode: December, 2024
  • Admin 1.0

    • Maintenance mode: Done
    • Deprecation mode: Done
    • Phase out mode: Since January, 2024
    • Switch off mode:
      • Chapter redirects removed from Admin Suite Beyond environments with Drop 72, on May 27, 2024
      • Chapter redirects removed from Admin Suite Main environments with Drop 73, on June 24, 2024

Since all chapter redirects have been removed, if you still need to access the old platform, click the Need the old admin? Click here link on the Admin Suite overview page. This link is essential for finalizing the switch off process and will remain available until Release 75 on August 19, 2024, allowing us to collect feedback on the ongoing need for access (if any) to the old Admin 1.0.