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Core 2.0.733

April 16, 2024

Released on all test and acceptance environments on April 16, 2024

Will be released to production in EUW and ASE on April 22, 2024*

Will be released to production in CUS on April 23, 2024*

release notes image


No breaking changes.

Specific topics

🆕 Verifone

EVA now includes an integration with Verifone as a payment service provider.

For more information on how to make use of this provider, see our Verifone docs.

🆕 SerialNumberValidation extension point

We've introduced the SerialNumberValidation extension point to allow you to either require or skip a verification or validation of a serial number based on one of the following objects:

  • OrderLine
  • Repair
  • CaseRelatedItem
  • UserBroughtProduct


This script will then be included in our serial number flows.

The following sample results in all validations and verification for serial numbers attached to order lines being skipped:


extend SerialNumberValidation

if OrderLine has value then

set output.SkipValidation to true

set output.SkipVerification to true


set output.SkipValidation to false

set output.SkipVerification to false


The way this script runs is that it checks the SerialNumber and the type of Object that is validated (OrderLine / Repair / CaseRelatedItem / UserBroughtProduct). One will be defined (the one that the current flow is actually checking at that moment) and the other 3 will be Null.

Additionally, we've changed the CRUD services of SerialNumberConfiguration to allow for specifiying an optional ScriptID.


🆕 Order BackendID in OrderReservationReceipt

The OrderReservationReceipt stencil template now also contains the order's BackendID.

🆕 Order BackendID in ReturnToSupplierShipmentLabel

The ReturnToSupplierShipmentLabel will now include the return order's BackendID, to make for a more efficient in-store RTS flow.


🆕 Properties in ListTaxRates

The ListTaxRates service now also contains the following properties to allow for better filtering:

  • StartDate
  • EndDate
  • TaxCodeID

✅ AggregationOptions in SearchOrders

The return of the UserAgentApplication and ProductVariations properties in the SearchOrders service are now optional. For the time being, they will however remain enabled by default.


While these properties are impactful on the performance of the service SearchOrders, their use is only essential in specific cases, namely: if your front end needs the values of the corresponding fields for filtering purposes.

The UserAgentApplication is for example currently still used as a filtering option in Admin Suite, allowing you to differentiate orders based on the originating App.

We expect the value of these fields to be set to false by default in some time.


✅ ModifyQuantityOrdered

The service ModifyQuantityOrdered now allows for increasing the amount of order lines in orders in case of giftcard products.


No setting changes.


  • We fixed an issue where order status/amounts were sometimes different when calling SearchOrders compared to GetOrder when shipping costs were applied.
  • The service GetUserRequirement didn't return the shipping method (if set) nor its corresponding script, which could break the UI and hide functionality.

    to fix it we've added ScriptID and ShippingMethodID to it, and removed ScriptID from ListUserRequirements, which fixed the issue

  • PushCases wasn't always creating the case.
  • We fixed an issue where calls to PrintReturnToSupplierTaskShipment did not succeed.

    EVA no longer uses the ShipFromOU in the RTS ShipmentLabel template


⚡ Removed from typings

These deprecations are now halfway through their deprecation timeline. As of now, these services and/or fields will no longer be exposed by our typings.



  • High Lines is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.749: This is no longer supported.
    • CreateManualTaxExemptionReason.Lines
  • High Result.Page.ScriptID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.749: This is no longer supported.
    • ListUserRequirementsResponse.Result.Page.ScriptID
  • High Result.Page.ShippingMethodID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.749: This is no longer supported.
    • ListUserRequirementsResponse.Result.Page.ShippingMethodID
  • High Result.Page.SubscriptionID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.749: This is no longer supported.
    • ListUserRequirementsResponse.Result.Page.SubscriptionID
  • High Result.Page.UserRequirementSetID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.749: This is no longer supported.
    • ListUserRequirementsResponse.Result.Page.UserRequirementSetID
  • High Result.Page.UserRequirementSetName is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.749: This is no longer supported.
    • ListUserRequirementsResponse.Result.Page.UserRequirementSetName

Release dates may vary

The exact date for deploying a Core release to production environments may vary. See How we handle Core releases for more details.