No breaking changes.
✅ Matching settings to functionalities
We've concluded the process of matching settings to functionalities over the course of the last 6 monthly drops.
🆕 Adding descriptions to functionalities
We're starting a new process that will end up seeing all functionalities have a description.
Below you can find the first batch of functionalities that have had a description attached.
List of functionalities with new descriptions in this EVA Core Drop
Functionality Name | Description |
AccessPrivacyDataRequests | Ability to access customer requests around editing/removing privacy data |
AccessPrivacyRemovalRequests | Ability to access customer requests around editing/removing privacy data |
AdyenNotificationEndpoint | Ability to access payment status information from the Adyen notification endpoint (API only) |
ApplyLoyaltyDiscount | Ability to apply discounts triggered by Loyalty points |
AppRules | Ability to create/manage app rules i.e. creating warnings to upgrade when an app is more than a certain age |
AppSettings | Ability to create/manage App Settings in EVA Suite to control how the apps behave for all users |
AssortmentContentCultures | Ability to manage Assortment Content Cultures |
ATCUD | Ability to manage ATCUD for Portuguese Invoices |
AutocompleteOrder | Ability to manage AutoComplete settings in EVA, these actions include cancelling any remaining lines, invoicing shipped lines, and if necessary, creating a payment to settle the outstanding amount |
AzureConnectorSubscriptions | AzureConnectorSubscriptions |
BookInvoicesWithDisputes | Ability to register disputes on invoices |
BundleProductsFeed | Ability to create and manage product bundles |
CancelManualDiscount | Ability to cancel manual discounts on orders |
CancelPayment | Ability to cancel a payment |
CashCorrectionReasons | Ability to use or manage Cash Corrections Reasons |
CashCorrections | Ability to book Cash Corrections (e.g. differences at end of day count) |
CashDeposits | Ability to create/manage drop off of cash to the bank |
CashTransactionLedger | Ability to see the ledger of Cash Transactions |
ChangeUserLoginType | Determines whether or not a user can change how they login from e.g. SSO only to also username/password |
CheckoutOptions | Ability to use or manage Checkout Options (configurable action tiles in the checkout stage of an order) |
ClientApplications | Ability to manage client applications for the creation of notifications to apps |
Commitments | Ability to commit orders to a warehouse |
CommitmentsManualOverride | Ability to manually override the commitment of orders to a warehouse |
CompleteReservationCleanupWithoutConfirmation | Ability to complete the cleanup of reservation tasks without need of additional confirmation |
ConfirmShipment | Ability to Confirm a Shipment in EVA |
ContentCultureMapping | Ability to manage the content in different languages and for different countries, based on the source language and country |
CorrectWorkedHours | Ability to amend by API the clock-in and clock-out times of an employee in EVA. |
CostPriceCalculations | CostPriceCalculations |
CostPrices | This feature is part of the price viewing functionalities in EVA that can be managed using the setting EnablePriceViewingFunctionalities. By default, this setting is set to false, but once it's set to true, it can limit a user's ability to view any type of price lists, including CostPrices |
DataLakeBackfill | Ability to backfill data into your datalake via API |
DataLakePreview | Ability to preview output to a datalake |
DiscountBudgetManagement | Ability to control the configuration of a budget on a campaign and includes the ability to register a budget on a campaign |
DiscountSelfVerification | Ability to verify discounts you have created yourself |
EcoTaxes | This feature is part of the price viewing functionalities in EVA that can be managed using the setting EnablePriceViewingFunctionalities. By default, this setting is set to false, but once it's set to true, it can limit a user's ability to view any type of price lists, including EcoTaxes |
EntityFieldValidators | Ability to create/manage the validation rules for entity fields and use APIs such as CreateEntityFieldValidator |
EnvironmentConfiguration | Ability to manage the EVA environments configuration with relation to core features such as Auditing |
EventExportConfiguration | Ability to manage the configuration of Event Exports |
EventExports | Ability to use and manage Event Exports |
EventLedgerAuditing | Ability to list entries in the Auditing Event Ledger |
ExecuteZonedCycleCounts | Ability to perform Zoned Cycle Counts |
FinalizeReturnToSupplierOrder | Ability to finalize a Return to Supplier Order |
FinancialPeriodArchive | Ability to archive financial periods |
Flights | Ability to control the configuration and work with Flight number data for Airport Stores in EVA |
ForceCancelOrder | Ability to force the cancellation of an order |
FullStockCount | Ability to manage / perform Full Stock Counts |
FullStockCountLabel | Ability to manage / access on Full Stock Count Labels |
Functionalities | Ability to manage / access the Functionalities on a Role |
GeneralLedgers | Ability to manage General Ledger accounts |
GenerateTemporaryPassword | Ability to Generate Temporary Passwords For Users |
GenerateTerminalReport | Ability to Generate Terminal Reports In-Store |
GiftWrappingCosts | Ability to manage Gift Wrapping Costs & use the feature |
HandlePaymentDispute | Ability to manage payment disputes on orders |
HandleReceiveShipmentTasks | Ability to Handle Receive Shipment Tasks |
HandleReservationCleanupTasks | Ability to Handle In-store Reservation Cleanup Tasks |
HandleReservationDeviationTasks | Ability to Handle In-store Reservation Deviation Tasks |
HandleReturnToSupplierTasks | Ability to Handle Return To Supplier Tasks |
HandleShipFromStoreTasks | Ability to Handle Ship From Store Tasks |
HandleStockMovementFollowUpTasks | Ability to Handle Stock Movement Follow-Up Tasks |
HandleStockReplenishmentTasks | Ability to Handle Stock Replenishment Tasks |
HandleStockReservationTasks | Ability to Handle Stock Reservation Tasks |
HandleZonedCycleCountPreCountTasks | Ability to Handle Zoned Cycle Count Pre-Count Tasks |
IgnoreNegativeStockInFinancialPeriodClosing | Ability to ignore negative stock without correcting it upon financial period closure |
InfrastructureProxy | Ability to DeleteStationByProxyID, GetStationProxyStatus, SyncStation, UpdateOrganizationUnitPublicIpAddress |
InitialInventory | Ability to manage and load initial store inventory |
InterbranchOrders | Enables the ability to create Interbranch Orders |
ListUserCards | The ListUserCards function in EVA unified commerce product allows you to retrieve a list of user cards. It provides information such as the card number, type, and the linked user's name |
Login | Ability to login to EVA via Admin Suite or App Suite |
ManuallyRunMonitor | Ability to login to manually run a monitor in EVA outside of standard time scales |
MassStockUpdate | Ability to Process Stock Mutation File and Update Stock |
ModifyOfferStatus | Ability to change the status of an offer |
MonitorNotifications | Ability to create/manage Monitor Notifications |
Monitors | Ability to create/manage Monitors |
NewBlack | New Black Employee Only Permission |
OpenCashDrawer | Ability to open a cash drawer without a transaction associated |
OrderCustomStatus | Ability to create/manage Custom Order Status' |
OrderCustomTypes | Ability to create/manage Custom Order types |
OrderFulfillments | Ability to work on Order Fulfilments (the order routing coming out of EVA Order Orchestration) |
Orders | Ability to create/manage orders |
PaymentSettlements | Ability to view, manage, create Payment settlements |
PaymentTransactionLedger | Ability to view the ledger lines related to Payments |
PaymentTransactionLedgerTypes | Ability to create/manage payment transaction ledger type(s) |
PaymentTransactions | Ability to view, manage, create Payment transactions on orders |
PotentialDiscountedPricePrices | This feature is part of the price viewing functionalities in EVA that can be managed using the setting EnablePriceViewingFunctionalities. By default, this setting is set to false, but once it's set to true, it can limit a user's ability to view any type of price lists, including Potential Discounted Prices |
PrinterTypes | Ability to use the GetPrinterTypes service. This service retrieves a list of all available printer types, including their ID, name, description, and paper width |
PrintLegalDocuments | Ability to print documents and invoices from EVA |
ProductCapacityPlans | Ability to specify a capacity you can provide for a specific product |
ProductCostPriceLedger | Ability to view the ledger of Cost Prices and changes (depending on costing method used) |
ProductSearchConfiguration | Ability to manage functionality which allows you to configure specific product sets, also known as product search templates |
ProductSearchExplanations | This grants the right to see product search query explanations (explain property on SearchProducts) |
PromotionPrices | Ability to manage promotional pricing in EVA (pricelist of type Promotion) |
PurchaseOrders | Ability to create/manage purchase orders in EVA |
PurchasePrices | Ability to manage Cost pricing in EVA |
PushCases | Enables the ability to Push Cases into EVA via API |
PushReturnOrder | Ability to push return order(s) into EVA via API |
PushSalesOrder | Ability to push sales order(s) into EVA via API |
PushUser | Ability to push users (user imports) into EVA via API |
PushUserBoughtProducts | Ability to push users brought products into EVA via API |
RecommendedRetailPrices | This feature is part of the price viewing functionalities in EVA that can be managed using the setting EnablePriceViewingFunctionalities. By default, this setting is set to false, but once it's set to true, it can limit a user's ability to view any type of price lists, including RecommendedRetailPrices |
ReindexSearchData | The "ReindexSearchData" setting in the EVA is related to product management, particularly to product search templates |
Repairs | Ability to create/manage Repairs in EVA |
Replenishments | Ability to create/manage Replenishments (min-max levels) in EVA |
ReturnOrder | Ability to create Return Orders |
ReturnToSupplierOrders | Ability to create Return to Supplier Orders |
ReturnWithoutProducts | Ability to create Return Orders without products |
ReturnWithoutSecurityCode | Ability to create a return without a security code |
Sales | Ability to Perform sales activities |
SalesPrices | This feature is part of the price viewing functionalities in EVA that can be managed using the setting EnablePriceViewingFunctionalities. By default, this setting is set to false, but once it's set to true, it can limit a user's ability to view any type of price lists, including SalesPrices |
Scripts | Ability to create/manage Scripts in EVA |
SearchProductsUnlimitedPageSize | Ability to Search Products in an Unpaginated Manner via API |
SerialNumbers | Ability to create/manage Serial Number Configuration in EVA |
SetExternalFullStockCountResult | Ability to Set External Full Stock Count Results |
Settings | Ability to manage all settings in EVA this also allows Users to set permissions on functionality which they might not have access to themselves |
SharedWorkspaces | Ability to create/manage Shared Workspaces in EVA |
StockMutationCostPriceSourceLedger | Ability to view the ledger of Cost Prices and changes (depending on costing method used) |
StockMutationReason | Ability to create/manage Stock Mutation Reasons in EVA |
StockMutations | Ability to create/manage Stock Mutations in EVA |
Stripe | Ability to create/manage Stripe Integrations in EVA |
SynchronizationFiles | Ability to create/import Synchronization files in EVA |
ThirdPartyCreatePurchaseOrder | Ability for a 3rd party (API) to create purchase order(s) |
ThirdPartyShipPurchaseOrder | Ability for a 3rd party (API) to ship purchase order(s) |
UntypedSettings | Ability to create untyped / not listed settings in EVA |
UploadCycleCounts | Ability to upload Cycle count files in EVA |
UploadLargeBlobs | Ability to upload large blob files in EVA |
UserBoughtProducts | Ability to view/create/manage items bought by a customer |
UserFields | Ability to view/create/manage User Fields |
UserInteractions | Ability to view/create/manage User (in this case customer) Interactions |
UserOrigins | Ability to create/manage user origins (ex: where it was created) |
UserTaskNotCompletedReasons | Ability to view/create/manage reasons for not completing User Tasks |
UserTaskPriorities | Ability to view/create/manage User Task priorities |
UserTasks | Ability to view/create/manage User Tasks |
UserTaskTypes | Ability to manage User Task Types for Organization Unit Sets. |
VerifyOrder | Ability to verify orders |
ViewOrderExports | Ability to view exports of orders |
ViewShipmentExports | Ability to view exports of shipments |
ViewSystemTasks | Ability to view system tasks in EVA |
ZonedCycleCountAllowManualCorrections | Ability to manually correct zoned cycle count outcomes |
ZonedCycleCounts | Ability to manage/execute zoned cycle counts |
ZonedCycleCountSchedule | Ability to schedule zoned cycle counts |
🆕 Displaying pending payments
Certified invoice stencils, which includes ThermalReceipt and Invoice templates, now display electronic payments which are pending.
Only payments in the Debit and Credit category are included, which entails auto-refunds for example.
✅ Individual countries
🇪🇸 Spain
Different certified invoice for Canary Islands
Since the Spanish Canary Islands have their own system of VAT rates, called IGIC, EVA will now serve a different certified Invoice and Receipt template for such customers.
EVA will display the alternate templates for the Canary Islands based on the following:
- If the OU's Region is set to Canary Islands;
- The address is recognised as being in the Canary Islands, due to the customer's shipping address having a CountrySubdivisionID that is set to ES-CN.
🆕 RoleIDs in ListEmployeesForOrganizationUnit
The ListEmployeesForOrganizationUnit
service now includes a RoleIDs property.
This will allow for filtering the SoldBy checkout option based on roles.
🆕 MaxAmountPerOrder for cash
EVA now includes the MaxAmountPerOrder property in the CashHandler
CRUD services, allowing you to set the maximum amount per order a CashHandler can be paid with. This property can be specified up to four decimal places.
🆕 CreationTime in Financial Period Data lake
While last week's Core drop 2.0.749 already mentioned how the Financial period Data lake export now includes the CreationTime property for bank deposits, we failed to mention that the CreationTime for the attached ledger (which corresponds with the moment the deposit is completed / dropped off) has been included as well.
🆕 BackendID to the OrderCustomTypeExtensionPoint
To allow for easier routing and reporting of return types, we are adding the BackendID property to the OrderCustomTypeExtensionPoint extension point.
extend OrderCustomType
if Order.BackendID.IsMatch with Pattern '^TVD\\d*$'
set type to 'RTS'
else set type to 'UNKNOWN'
output type
This script sample will result in order with a BackendID that starts with TVD to get this orderType set: 61984.
In an earlier drop, Core drop 2.0.746, we mentioned including a BackendSystemID instead. Because we are already in the process of phasing out this property throughout EVA, we've changed this to BackendID.
Other topics
🆕 (Gift)CardID and Number in Orders Data lake
The Orders Data lake export can now also contain a (Gift)CardID and (Gift)CardNumber in the Payments object.
✅ StockMutation variable in EventExport extension point
To make it easier to differentiate which stock adjustments are relevant to you and should be exported or not, we are adding a few new properties to the StockMutation variable in the EventExport extension point.
The StockMutation variable now allows for specifying the following properties:
- Reason
- SourceStockLabel
- DestinationStockLabel
- Type
- MutationQuantity
- UnitCost
- TotalAmount
- Product
🆕 RepairPickupCompleted template
EVA now includes a new stencil template called RepairPickupCompleted.
This template can trigger once the the Pickup task is completed, though it requires configuration in your environment before it will actually be transmitted towards a customer.
"TemplateName": "RepairPickupCompleted",
"Message": null,
"Barcode": "REPAIR:696",
"OpenOrderAmounts": {
"Open": {
"InTax": 0,
"PendingInTax": 0,
"Capturable": 0,
"CapturedInTax": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Foreign": 0,
"ForeignInTax": 0
"OpenAmountIsZero": true,
"CurrencyID": "EUR",
"Total": {
"Amount": 2.44,
"InTax": 2.95,
"Tax": 0.51,
"Foreign": 2.44,
"ForeignInTax": 2.95
"UnroundedTotal": {
"Amount": 2.44,
"InTax": 2.95,
"Tax": 0.51,
"Foreign": 2.44,
"ForeignInTax": 2.95
"Paid": {
"Pending": 0,
"Amount": 2.95,
"Captured": 2.95,
"Foreign": 2.95
"Taxes": [
"Rate": 1.21,
"Amount": 0.51,
"Base": 2.44,
"Total": 2.95,
"ForeignAmount": 0.51
"Types": {
"NormalProduct": {
"Amount": 4.88,
"InTax": 5.9,
"Tax": 1.02,
"Foreign": 4.88,
"ForeignInTax": 5.9
"Discount": {
"Amount": -2.95,
"InTax": -2.95,
"Tax": 0,
"Foreign": -2.95,
"ForeignInTax": -2.95
"Discounts": {
"TotalDiscountAmount": -2.95,
"PerDiscount": [
"DiscountID": 347,
"Discount": {
"Description": "RepairWarrantyDiscount"
"Total": -2.95
"Repair": {
"Blobs": [
"ID": "f9beb85a-da13-8d05-082f-d305f524150c",
"Name": "img_20240531213526.jpeg",
"Type": "image/jpeg"
"OrganizationUnit": {
"ID": 123,
"Name": "Repair Stpre",
"UpcomingOpeningHours": [
"Date": "2024-08-14T00:00:00Z",
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 3
"Date": "2024-08-15T00:00:00Z",
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 4
"Date": "2024-08-16T00:00:00Z",
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 5
"Date": "2024-08-17T00:00:00Z",
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 6
"Date": "2024-08-18T00:00:00Z",
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 0
"Date": "2024-08-19T00:00:00Z",
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 1
"Date": "2024-08-20T00:00:00Z",
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 2
"RegularOpeningHours": [
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 0
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 1
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 2
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 3
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 4
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 5
"Closed": false,
"OpeningTime": "09:00:00",
"ClosingTime": "18:00:00",
"DayOfWeek": 6
"CompletionTime": null,
"CancellationTime": null,
"CompletedBy": null,
"CancelledBy": null,
"AssignedTo": {
"ID": 1487,
"BackendID": null,
"FullName": "Pedro Pascal",
"FirstName": "Pedro",
"LastName": "Pascal",
"EmailAddress": "",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"BackendSystemID": null
"Customer": {
"ID": 1882,
"BackendID": null,
"FullName": "Pedro Pascal",
"FirstName": "Pedro",
"LastName": "Pascal",
"EmailAddress": "",
"PhoneNumber": "",
"BackendSystemID": null
"ProductProperties": {
"barcodes": "",
"display_value": null,
"backend_id": null,
"long_description": null,
"primitive_name": "Orange woven bracelet"
"ProductName": "Orange woven bracelet",
"Case": {
"ID": 863,
"Title": "Title",
"Description": "I'm damaged goods",
"Summary": null
"RepairOrder": {
"ID": 58894,
"CurrencyID": "EUR",
"TotalAmountInTax": 2.95,
"ShippingAddress": {
"FirstName": "Pedro",
"LastName": "Pacal",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"EmailAddress": null,
"HouseNumber": "31",
"Address1": "Almerelaan",
"Address2": null,
"ZipCode": "8265NB",
"Subdistrict": null,
"District": null,
"City": "Kampen",
"State": null,
"ZipCodeAndCity": "8265NB Almere",
"CountryID": "NL",
"StreetAndHouseNumber": "Almerelaan 31"
"BillingAddress": {
"FirstName": "Pedro",
"LastName": "Pascal",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"EmailAddress": null,
"HouseNumber": "31",
"Address1": "Almerelaan",
"Address2": null,
"ZipCode": "8265NB",
"Subdistrict": null,
"District": null,
"City": "Kampen",
"State": null,
"ZipCodeAndCity": "8265NB Almere",
"CountryID": "NL",
"StreetAndHouseNumber": "Almerelaan 31"
"Payments": [
"CurrencyID": "EUR",
"ForeignPaidAmount": 0,
"PaidAmount": 2.95,
"PaymentDate": "2024-07-26T11:37:12.353Z",
"Description": "QA Simple"
"Lines": [
"ID": 120683,
"ProductID": 73,
"Description": "EVA Sticker",
"CurrencyID": "EUR",
"TypeID": 0,
"UnitPriceInTax": 2.95,
"TotalAmountInTax": 2.95,
"TotalAmount": 2.44,
"NetTotalAmountInTax": 0,
"NetTotalAmount": 0,
"TotalQuantityToShip": 1,
"QuantityOpen": 0,
"QuantityCancelled": 0,
"QuantityReserved": 0,
"QuantityExported": 0,
"ProductVariation": null,
"ProductVariations": [],
"ExpectedAvailabilityDate": "2024-07-27T11:37:12.363Z",
"RequestedDate": null,
"ShippingMethod": null,
"LineActionType": 3,
"ProductProperties": {
"barcodes": "978020137058",
"display_value": "EVA Sticker",
"backend_id": "015-1-978020137058",
"long_description": "Met deze sticker van duurzaam vinyl kun je een glad oppervlak makkelijk opvrolijken. De sticker is waterdicht en kan van de meeste oppervlakken zonder plakresten worden verwijderd.",
"primitive_name": "EVA Sticker"
"IsDiscount": false,
"DiscountActionType": null,
"GiftCardInfo": {
"DateOfPurchase": "2024-08-14T14:00:21.0269869Z",
"DateOfExpiration": "2025-08-14T14:00:21.0269878Z"
"ForeignTotalAmountInTax": 2.95
"ID": 120684,
"ProductID": null,
"Description": "RepairWarrantyDiscount",
"CurrencyID": "EUR",
"TypeID": 1,
"UnitPriceInTax": -2.95,
"TotalAmountInTax": -2.95,
"TotalAmount": -2.95,
"NetTotalAmountInTax": 0,
"NetTotalAmount": 0,
"TotalQuantityToShip": 1,
"QuantityOpen": 0,
"QuantityCancelled": 0,
"QuantityReserved": 0,
"QuantityExported": 0,
"ProductVariation": null,
"ProductVariations": [],
"ExpectedAvailabilityDate": "2024-07-27T11:37:12.363Z",
"RequestedDate": null,
"ShippingMethod": null,
"LineActionType": 0,
"ProductProperties": null,
"IsDiscount": true,
"DiscountActionType": "V2:DISCOUNTPERCENTAGE",
"GiftCardInfo": {
"DateOfPurchase": "2024-08-14T14:00:21.0271545Z",
"DateOfExpiration": "2025-08-14T14:00:21.0271547Z"
"ForeignTotalAmountInTax": -2.95
"ID": 120861,
"ProductID": 73,
"Description": "EVA Sticker",
"CurrencyID": "EUR",
"TypeID": 0,
"UnitPriceInTax": 2.95,
"TotalAmountInTax": 2.95,
"TotalAmount": 2.44,
"NetTotalAmountInTax": 2.95,
"NetTotalAmount": 2.44,
"TotalQuantityToShip": 1,
"QuantityOpen": 0,
"QuantityCancelled": 0,
"QuantityReserved": 0,
"QuantityExported": 0,
"ProductVariation": null,
"ProductVariations": [],
"ExpectedAvailabilityDate": "2024-07-27T11:37:12.363Z",
"RequestedDate": null,
"ShippingMethod": null,
"LineActionType": 3,
"ProductProperties": {
"barcodes": "978020137058",
"display_value": "EVA Sticker",
"backend_id": "015-1-978020137058",
"long_description": "Met deze sticker van duurzaam vinyl kun je een glad oppervlak makkelijk opvrolijken. De sticker is waterdicht en kan van de meeste oppervlakken zonder plakresten worden verwijderd.",
"primitive_name": "EVA Sticker"
"IsDiscount": false,
"DiscountActionType": null,
"GiftCardInfo": {
"DateOfPurchase": "2024-08-14T14:00:21.0271582Z",
"DateOfExpiration": "2025-08-14T14:00:21.0271582Z"
"ForeignTotalAmountInTax": 2.95
"CustomFields": {},
"ForeignTotalAmountInTax": 2.95
"RepairOrderID": 58894,
"SerialNumberID": 1466,
"SerialNumber": "ace23213-4c61-49eb-b5ef-15935cf829",
"IsWarranty": false,
"WarrantyExpiration": null,
"WarrantyAdditionalInformation": null,
"ReceiveOption": 0,
"ShippingOption": 0
"AssetsUrl": "",
"LanguageID": "nl",
"CountryID": "NL",
"TimeZone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"IsTestEnvironment": true,
"IsSentinel": false,
"RunningOnWatchtower": false,
"CurrentOrganizationUnit": {
"Name": "Repair Store",
"Description": null,
"BackendID": "RepairStoreAlmere",
"EmailAddress": null,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"HouseNumber": "31",
"Address1": "Valkenier 31",
"Address2": null,
"ZipCodeAndCity": "2441BM Lelystad",
"State": null,
"ZipCode": "2441BM",
"City": "Lelystad",
"BankAccount": null,
"VatNumber": null,
"RegistrationNumber": null,
"BranchNumber": null,
"Website": null,
"BIC": null,
"OpeningHours": [],
"CocNumber": null,
"StreetAndHouseNumber": "Valkenier 31"
✅ Unassigned price lists
Unassigned price lists will now only be visible to users with the permission Pricing:Manage.
- A privacy removal request will now be processed within seconds.
- A privacy removal request which times out is no longer bound by a limitation counter during its retry interval.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect calculations for partial refunds.
- Resolved an issue with serial numbers in
⚡ Removed from typings
These deprecations are now halfway through their deprecation timeline. As of now, these services and/or fields will no longer be exposed by our typings.
- High Data is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: Replaced with BlobID..
- UploadPaymentSettlementFile.Data
- High MimeType is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: Replaced with BlobID..
- UploadPaymentSettlementFile.MimeType
- High Products.Value.CurrencyID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use
on the stock item instead..- ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.CurrencyID
- High Products.Value.TaxCodeID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use
on the stock item instead..- ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.TaxCodeID
- High Products.Value.TaxRate is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use
on the stock item instead..- ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.TaxRate
- High Products.Value.UnitCost is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use
on the stock item instead..- ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.UnitCost
- High Products.Value.UnitPrice is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use
on the stock item instead..- ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.UnitPrice
- High Products.Value.UnitPriceInTax is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.766: This differs across OUs, use
on the stock item instead..- ListStockForOrganizationUnitsResponse.Products.Value.UnitPriceInTax
- Medium Definition.IsEmpty is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.758: This property is now exposed as a settable property, which isn't the case.Will be removed for clarity.
- CreateOrganizationUnitSet.Definition.IsEmpty
- PreviewOrganizationUnitSet.Definition.IsEmpty
- Medium Definition.Value.IsEmpty is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.758: This property is now exposed as a settable property, which isn't the case.Will be removed for clarity.
- UpdateOrganizationUnitSet.Definition.Value.IsEmpty
- Medium Set.Definition.IsEmpty is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.758: This property is now exposed as a settable property, which isn't the case.Will be removed for clarity.
- GetOrganizationUnitSetDetailsResponse.Set.Definition.IsEmpty
- PreviewOrganizationUnitSetResponse.Set.Definition.IsEmpty
- High Field BlobID is required and will be enforced as such in 2.0.766.
- UploadPaymentSettlementFile.BlobID
🚫 Effective
These deprecations are now effective. As of now, these services and/or fields are no longer available in EVA and can no longer be used.
- High EVA.Core.Services.Management.Discounts.GetDiscountCoupons is deprecated since 2.0.750: Use ListCouponsByQuery instead.
- GetDiscountCoupons
- High ManualUserIdentifiers is deprecated since 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
- UpdateSubscription.ManualUserIdentifiers
- High Options is deprecated since 2.0.750: Moved to RequirementOptions.
- CreateProductRequirement.Options
- GetProductRequirementByIDResponse.Options
- UpdateProductRequirement.Options
- High Result.Page.Options is deprecated since 2.0.750: Moved to RequirementOptions.
- ListProductRequirementsResponse.Result.Page.Options
- High UserIdentifierPrefix is deprecated since 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
- UpdateSubscription.UserIdentifierPrefix
- High UserIdentifierStartNumber is deprecated since 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
- UpdateSubscription.UserIdentifierStartNumber
- High UserIdentifierSuffix is deprecated since 2.0.750: Cannot change subscription identifier policy.
- UpdateSubscription.UserIdentifierSuffix
For more details on the impact categories, please see When are changes communicated?.
Release dates may vary
The exact date for deploying a Core release to production environments may vary. See How we handle Core releases for more details.