No breaking changes.
✅ Security: defaults for Content-Security-Policy
The default values of our settings around the Content-Security-Policy
response header will be configured in all non-Production environments, tightening our default security.
In a few releases time, we hope to introduce the same defaults to all production environments!
✅ Security: improve meta data protection
Our API has been adjusted to generically hide information from anonymous users if a data model exists or not, or if the caller is not authorized to see it. We also artificially increase our response times slightly in such cases, mitigating possible timing attacks.
✅ Security: improve CustomerCanRegister setting handling
With this setting disabled, there's no reason to support services CheckEmailAddressAvailability
or CheckNicknameAvailability
for anonymous users. Therefore, when configured as such, those will instead return empty responses.
✅ Various improvements
🇷🇴 Romania
Duplicate credit note
To be able to share a credit note with the consumer, while keeping a copy in store for archiving purposes, the credit note will now automatically be printed twice by the non-fiscal printer.
The first print will mention it's the orginal, while the second one does so for being a duplicate. This credit note is printed (twice) for every return payment, regardless of payment method.
Removing employee name from receipts and credit notes
To preserve employee anonymity, the EmployeeID (read: name) printed on the fiscal receipts and credit notes has been replaced by the UserID.
🇩🇪 Germany
Updating OU names in Fiskaly
Any updates made to OU names will again be synced to Fiskaly on a nightly basis by use of the SyncGermanyOrganizationUnitWithFiskalyTask task.
🇦🇹 Austria
Updating OU names in Fiskaly
Any updates made to OU names will again be synced to Fiskaly on a nightly basis by use of the SyncAustriaOrganizationUnitWithFiskalyTask task.
🇪🇸 Spain
Updating to the invoice logic for webshops and EA
We have made some changes to how EVA handles the invoices for webshop and Endless Aisle orders.
Mandatory data
We've made the following customer details required:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Billing address 1
- Zipcode
- City
Additionally, when the order is above 3000 euro’s, a NIF (fiscal ID) will be required.
Output documents
The following documents will be shared by EVA based on the following scenarios:
Factura simplificada
- When a B2C customer is on the order and no NIF (fiscal ID) is present and the total order amount is below €3000
- When the order is above 3000 euro. The NIF is required to be present (but not if it’s a foreign customer).
- A B2C customer with a NIF
- A B2B customer
- A B2C foreign customer
- When an order where the original document was a Factura is returned, EVA issues a Factura Rectificada.
- When an order where the original document was a Factura Simplificada is returned, EVA issues a Factura Rectificada Simplificada.
🇸🇪 Sweden
Deleting stations
Stations in Sweden which don't have a FiscalID will no longer be prevented to be deleted in EVA.
✅ Display of payment type names on certified invoices (thermal)
We are changing how thermal certified receipts are displayed.
If you are operating in (some of) the countries below, action is required.
🇳🇱 Netherlands (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇬🇧 United Kingdom (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇮🇪 Ireland (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇿🇦 South Africa (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇳🇿 New Zealand (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇲🇴 Macau (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇭🇰 Hong Kong (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇩🇰 Denmark (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇨🇭 Switzerland (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇴🇲 Oman (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇯🇴 Jordan (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates (Action required)
✅ Updated Payment Type Display on Certified Invoices (Thermal)
Thermal certified receipts will now display the Payment Type Name instead of the Payment Category.
Applicable to
This update is only applicable to Certified invoice (thermal) templates.
⚠️ Required Action
If this change affects you, please update the Payment Type Name in the Admin Suite by following these steps to ensure it is clear and intuitive:
- Step 1: Go to the Payment Configuration chapter;
- Step 2: Click on the Payment Types tab;
- Step 3: Select the payment type(s) you need to modify;
- Step 4: In the General Information card, update the Name field to the preferred name that will appear on your certified thermal receipts. If the existing name meets your needs, no update is necessary. Note that the Name field supports multiple languages; add translations as necessary.
🆕 Exposing SerialNumbers and SerialNumberConfigurationIDs
The following change is introduced as part of a bigger development - this feature is not ready for use
As part of an overarching feature regarding serial numbers, EVA now exposes SerialNumbers and/or SerialNumberConfigurationIDs in several services, most of which are task related.
Additionally, the new bool SerialNumberRequired is included for some services.
List of services
The following services now include SerialNumbers and/or SerialNumberConfigurationIDs:
(and its response)CompleteZonedCycleCoundPreCount
The following services now include SerialNumbers and/or SerialNumberConfigurationIDs + SerialNumberRequired:
The following services now include SerialNumberRequired:
🆕 RepairAssignee in GetCaseByID
We are adding the AssignedTo property to the Repairs object in the GetCaseByID
✅ More information in the Financial period report
To make it easier to measure how stores are performing via the Financial period reports, we are adding additional properties to the GetFinancialPeriodDetails
The following properties have been added.
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmountInTax with:
- HasReturnLines: false;
- IsPaid: true;
- No SoldToOU
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmountInTax with:
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmount with:
- HasReturnLines: false;
- IsPaid: true;
- No SoldToOU
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmount with:
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmountInTax with:
- HasReturnLines: true;
- IsPaid: true;
- No SoldToOU
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmountInTax with:
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmount with:
- Negative amounts;
- IsPaid: true;
- No SoldToOU
- This is the sum of all order's TotalAmount with:
- This is the count of orders with:
- IsPaid: true
- This is the count of orders with:
- This is the count of orders with:
- HasReturnLines: true
- This is the count of orders with:
- This is the total quantity of sold products
- This is the total quantity of returned products
✅ ListInvoiceExportsService
We are changing how the service ListInvoiceExportsService
works to facilitate a more relevant overview in the E-invoices chapter in Admin Suite.
The change is twofold:
- We are deprecating the Type field;
- Replacing it with Types.
This new field will allow for using values such as NTH and SDI by our front end (which are currently the only relevant external systems for e-invoices).
🆕 GetActiveDiscounts
To be able to offer store employees a comprehensive overview of all currently active discounts in their store - and to incentivize mutually beneficial upselling - we are adding the following service to EVA: GetActiveDiscounts
This service will allow our POS to soon™ implement this display filled with current discounts in-store.
The service includes the following properties:
- DiscountID
- Description
- MarketingDescription
- PromotionLabel
- ActionType → enum
- ImageBlobID
Mind that active discounts do not include discounts of trigger type Coupon.
The name of the service is GetActiveDiscounts
instead of the earlier mentioned ActiveOrganizationUnitDiscountsByLayer
🆕 UpdateOrganizationUnitSubsetSequence
We adding a new service to facilitate an upcoming improvement to how you can update OU sets.
✅ ListProductRelations
To facilitate easier display of grouped products in external Apps we are changing how the service ListProductRelations
The service ListProductRelations
can now be called unauthenticated and will respond in the following manner:
"ID": 174,
"PrimaryName": "ProductGroup1",
"Direction": 2,
"StockRelationType": 0,
"IsDynamic": true,
"UseDynamicRelationProductAsRelatedProduct": true,
"Relations": [
"PrimaryProductID": 2219,
"RelatedProductID": 2159
"PrimaryProductID": 2219,
"RelatedProductID": 2160
"PrimaryProductID": 2219,
"RelatedProductID": 2161
"PrimaryProductID": 2219,
"RelatedProductID": 2162
"PrimaryProductID": 2219,
"RelatedProductID": 2220
"PrimaryProductID": 2219,
"RelatedProductID": 2221
🆕 SummaryLines in GetOrderTaxDetails
As part of a bigger change to how EVA presents a (sub) Total Amount summary during checkout when combined with external tax providers, we've added a new property to the GetOrderTaxDetails
service: SummaryLines.
This property will display a breakdown of the taxes supplied by the external tax provider.
Other topics
🆕 Groundwork upcoming Elevated Products
The following change is introduced as part of a bigger development - this feature is not ready for use
We are laying the groundwork in EVA for our upcoming Elevated products feature.
While this feature is not considered ready for use until Drop 80 (Beyond February 8th, 2025), we are prepping EVA for it, which means you may see some of these changes in the wild.
If you'd like to read more on these back-end changes, please see Elevated products.
🆕 Epson TM88 support
EVA now supports the printing of the certified invoice receipt on the EPSON TM88 device for certain countries.
List of countries
The following countries can make use of the new device:
- Netherlands (NL)
- United Kingdom (EN)
- Ireland (EN)
- South Africa (EN)
- New Zealand (EN)
- Denmark (DA)
- Switzerland (EN, DE, FR, IT)
✅ Tax exemption
The following change is introduced as part of a bigger development - this feature is not yet ready for use.
When tax exemption is necessary for orders which are partially paid by consumers and partially by employers, then the exemption will only be applied to the part paid for by the consumer.
🆕 Additional properties for VertexCalculationRequest
The VertexCalculationRequest extension point has been expanded with several properties.
- The OrderLineVariable now exposes UnitPrice and TaxExemptionVerification properties
- The OrderVariable now exposes TaxExemptionVerification
- The ProductVariable now exposes PrimitiveName.
Additionally, the VertexCalculationRequest extension point, now allows for mapping with your custom Vertex FlexibleCodes.
🆕 SignOrderRequirement extension point
We are introducing a new extension point to EVA, called SignOrderRequirement.
By using this extension point you can make the checkout option called SignOrder into a requirement.
extend SignOrderRequirement
if(Order.HasCarryOut and Order.HasLoyaltyProgram) then
output true
output false
🆕 VerificationCode in the PickupReminder
To make for a more seamless customer experience when it comes to Click & Collect orders, we are adding the VerificationCode property to the PickupReminder stencil template. This way a customer's latest email exchange can include the code necessary for pickup.
✅ External serial number validation deprecation
As part of our rework for serial number validation, We are deprecating old functionality such as VerifySerialNumber
✅ Wildcards in -Control-Allow-Origin
The setting Cors:AccessControlAllowOrigin
now allows for a single wildcard (*) per entry.
- Calling
for a Void device will no longer return cash journals for payment type Cash. - RTS orders will no sometimes display different prices during checkout, instead the UnitPrice will be consistently shown.
- Fixed an issue with the
task. - Fixed an issue that prevented the proper use of the recently introduced service CreatePurchaseOrderLineUnitPriceCorrection.
- We now prevent the printing of gift receipts until an order is fully paid/invoices.
- Inactive coupons can no longer be used by front ends.
- The
is now locked, preventing it from being called concurrently. - EVA now delays messages regarding pricelist calculations when it's already running and locking isn't released yet.
- Fixed an issue with exposing closed cash journals for Void devices.
- Fixed an issue where some services no longer worked in combination with
set to ExternalIDs. - Fixed an issue with previewing HTTP templates.
- Fixed an issue where the
service could time out.
🆕 Introduced
These deprecations are now announced for the first time. Usage of these services and/or fields will return the appropriate EVA-Warnings
- Medium Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- GetFinancialPeriodDetailsResponse.Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.HoldStatus
- Medium EVA.Core.Services.SerialNumbers.CreateSerialNumberRegistrationReason is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- CreateSerialNumberRegistrationReason
- Medium EVA.Core.Services.SerialNumbers.GetSerialNumberRegistrationReasons is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- GetSerialNumberRegistrationReasons
- Medium EVA.Core.Services.SerialNumbers.UpdateSerialNumberRegistrationReason is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- UpdateSerialNumberRegistrationReason
- Medium EVA.Core.Services.SerialNumbers.VerifySerialNumber is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- VerifySerialNumber
- Medium Order.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- CreateOrderFromShoppingCartResponse.Order.Lines.HoldStatus
- Medium RelatedItems.SerialNumberRegistrationStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported, will always return
..- GetCaseByIDResponse.RelatedItems.SerialNumberRegistrationStatus
- Medium Repairs.SerialNumberRegistrationStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported, will always return
..- GetCaseByIDResponse.Repairs.SerialNumberRegistrationStatus
- Medium Result.Children.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.Children.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- CreateOrderLineUnitPriceCorrectionResponse.Result.HoldStatus
- GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- GetOrderResponse.Result.Lines.HoldStatus
- EVAPayGetInfoResponse.Result.Lines.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.Order.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- GetStockReservationTaskResponse.Result.Order.Lines.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.Page.Children.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.Children.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.Page.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.HoldStatus
- ListOrderLinesResponse.Result.Page.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.Page.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- ListOrdersForCustomerResponse.Result.Page.Lines.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.Page.OrderLine.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- ListStockMutationsResponse.Result.Page.OrderLine.HoldStatus
- Medium Result.Page.Reason is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported, will always return
..- ListSerialNumberRegistrationsResponse.Result.Page.Reason
- Medium Result.Page.SerialNumberHandler is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- ListSerialNumberRegistrationsResponse.Result.Page.SerialNumberHandler
- Medium Result.Page.SerialNumberHandlerID is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- ListSerialNumberRegistrationsResponse.Result.Page.SerialNumberHandlerID
- Medium Result.Page.Status is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported, will always return
..- ListSerialNumberRegistrationsResponse.Result.Page.Status
- Medium Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- ListBookingsResponse.Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.HoldStatus
- Medium SerialNumberConfigurations.VerificationEndpoint is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- GetSerialNumberConfigurationsResponse.SerialNumberConfigurations.VerificationEndpoint
- Medium SerialNumberConfigurations.VerificationRequired is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- GetSerialNumberConfigurationsResponse.SerialNumberConfigurations.VerificationRequired
- Medium SerialNumberRegistrationStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported, will always return
..- GetRepairResponse.SerialNumberRegistrationStatus
- GetUserBoughtProductResponse.SerialNumberRegistrationStatus
- Medium ShoppingCart.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- ShoppingCartResponse.ShoppingCart.Lines.HoldStatus
- Medium Task.Lines.OrderLine.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Lines.OrderLine.HoldStatus
- Medium Task.Order.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Order.Lines.HoldStatus
- Medium VerificationEndpoint is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- CreateSerialNumberConfiguration.VerificationEndpoint
- UpdateSerialNumberConfiguration.VerificationEndpoint
- Medium VerificationRequired is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer supported..
- CreateSerialNumberConfiguration.VerificationRequired
- UpdateSerialNumberConfiguration.VerificationRequired
- Medium WorkSet.Order.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- StartStockReservationResponse.WorkSet.Order.Lines.HoldStatus
- Medium WorkSet.Orders.Lines.HoldStatus is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: No longer used..
- CompleteReservationDeviationTask.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.HoldStatus
- StartReservationDeviationTaskResponse.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.HoldStatus
⚡ Removed from typings
These deprecations are now halfway through their deprecation timeline. As of now, these services and/or fields will no longer be exposed by our typings.
- High HasAdditionalActiveTasks is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: Is always false, additional tasks no longer supported.
- StartReturnToSupplierResponse.HasAdditionalActiveTasks
- High PageConfig.Filter.Type is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.773: Use InteractionType instead.
- ListUserInteractions.PageConfig.Filter.Type
🚫 Effective
These deprecations are now effective. As of now, these services and/or fields are no longer available in EVA and can no longer be used.
- High Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- GetFinancialPeriodDetailsResponse.Details.Corrections.StockMutation.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices
- High EVA.Core.Services.Stock.GetStockLabelSettings is deprecated since 2.0.757: Use GetStockLabelSettingsForLabel instead.
- GetStockLabelSettings
- High EVA.Core.Services.Stock.SetStockLabelSetting is deprecated since 2.0.757: Use SetStockLabelSettings instead.
- SetStockLabelSetting
- High Order.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- CreateOrderFromShoppingCartResponse.Order.HasHiddenPrices
- High Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- CreateOrderFromShoppingCartResponse.Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Children.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.Children.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- CreateOrderLineUnitPriceCorrectionResponse.Result.HasHiddenPrices
- GetOrderResponse.Result.HasHiddenPrices
- GetRelatedOrderLinesResponse.Result.HasHiddenPrices
- EVAPayGetInfoResponse.Result.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- GetOrderResponse.Result.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- EVAPayGetInfoResponse.Result.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Order.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- GetStockReservationTaskResponse.Result.Order.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- GetStockReservationTaskResponse.Result.Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Page.Children.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.Children.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Page.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- ListOrderLinesInvoiceSummaryResponse.Result.Page.HasHiddenPrices
- ListOrderLinesResponse.Result.Page.HasHiddenPrices
- ListOrdersForCustomerResponse.Result.Page.HasHiddenPrices
- SearchOrdersResponse.Result.Page.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Page.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- ListOrdersForCustomerResponse.Result.Page.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Page.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- ListStockMutationsResponse.Result.Page.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- ListBookingsResponse.Result.Page.StockMutation.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices
- High Result.Page.UnitPriceInTax is deprecated since 2.0.757: Use
..- ListShippingCostsResponse.Result.Page.UnitPriceInTax
- High ShoppingCart.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- ShoppingCartResponse.ShoppingCart.HasHiddenPrices
- High ShoppingCart.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- ShoppingCartResponse.ShoppingCart.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- High Task.Lines.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Lines.OrderLine.HasHiddenPrices
- High Task.Order.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Order.HasHiddenPrices
- High Task.Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- StartReservationCleanupResponse.Task.Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- High UnitPriceInTax is deprecated since 2.0.757: Use
..- CreateShippingCost.UnitPriceInTax
- GetShippingCostByIDResponse.UnitPriceInTax
- UpdateShippingCost.UnitPriceInTax
- High WorkSet.Order.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- StartStockReservationResponse.WorkSet.Order.HasHiddenPrices
- High WorkSet.Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- StartStockReservationResponse.WorkSet.Order.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- High WorkSet.Orders.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- CompleteReservationDeviationTask.WorkSet.Orders.HasHiddenPrices
- StartReservationDeviationTaskResponse.WorkSet.Orders.HasHiddenPrices
- High WorkSet.Orders.Lines.HasHiddenPrices is deprecated since 2.0.757: No longer supported.
- CompleteReservationDeviationTask.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
- StartReservationDeviationTaskResponse.WorkSet.Orders.Lines.HasHiddenPrices
For more details on the impact categories, please see When are changes communicated?.
Release dates may vary
The exact date for deploying a Core release to production environments may vary. See How we handle Core releases for more details.