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Users & Permissions

Introduction to Users & Permissions - The People module

Anyone working with EVA needs to be authenticated to gain access, and that is achieved by having 'Users'. Users could then be customers, employees, or both.

A user holds information about a customer or employee. Basic information like name, e-mail address, phone number, billing- and shipping addresses, password, preferred language, permissions, and more.

Once an authenticated user is granted access to EVA (this can also be SSO if configured), what they then have access to and what they can do in EVA is managed by the so called Roles and rights (aka Roles and the underlying Functionalities (aka Permissions).

Upgrading or splitting accounts

Both employees and customers are managed in EVA as 'users', by default a user account in EVA can be 1) a Consumer, 2) an Employee) or 3) Both. Creating an Employee account with an email address already attached to a Consumer is possible: in that case you can "upgrade" the account (to (3)), which will overwrite any current data (such as a birthdate).

It is also possible to set the setting SplitEmployeesAccount to true (WARNING - May only be toggled by support/backend-dev.), which will allow you to create two individual accounts with the same email address: one Consumer and one Employee. We advise not to use this setting in practice since it cannot be reverted.


EVA ships with a lot of functionalities, which translates into a whole lot of permissions.

Example: you wouldn't want a store employee to be able to alter complex routing logic, or have a logistics employee perform order refunds. This sort of permission management can be specified within the respective roles' functionalities.


Permissions aren't directly attached to individual users, although possible if needed, that would be kind of inefficient to say the least. In general, most of your employees would share similar functions in your organization. For this reason, permissions can be grouped in Roles. You could create a role for district managers, store managers, store employees, you name it. You think of a role, determine what functionalities belong to it, and you simply set it up. By using this approach, making changes to a roles permissions becomes a walk in the park since it would not have to be done individually i.e. will impact all role holders at once.

Example: Want your store employees to handle incoming shipments instead of the store managers? Simply add the functionality to the store employee role and all store employees will gain access to the functionality.


Subscriptions are an easy way to send information to users. This can be used for newsletter subscriptions for example. Connecting these to a handler can be managed via the Subscriptions chapter.


Using Inquiries you learn more about your customers. It can be used to ask all kinds of questions, and through a variety of available methods too. Those are then stored on your customers profile, for use as/when desired.

Example: Want to know your customers favorite color, ask it! want to know how many spoons of sugar your customer wants in his coffee, ask it! Use this to further customize your marketing campaigns. Or let your store employees use it to guide and serve your customer in a fully enhanced brand experience.

This is managed via the Inquiries chapter.