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Manage Account

You can manage your profile via all three Apps.

Access Profile

To access your profile, tap the 'User' icon at the top left of the app.

Edit Profile

Tap the Edit button on the Profile page to edit your name.

User email

A user email address is a field that cannot be modified.

Change Passcode

To change the access passcode to the App, tap the Change Passcode button. You will have to confirm the change of passcode with your current (old) passcode.

Generate elevation code

By using the Generate elevation code, you can create a 5-digit PIN code necessary to unlock various functionalities that prompt elevation, e.g., release a paid pickup order. These are tied to your user and will only allow you to open those functionalities as permitted by your roles & rights.

Elevation settings

By default, these codes are valid for 20 hours, but you can influence this with the setting Security:TemporaryElevationCode:ExpireInMinutes.

The expiration setting itself depends on the Security:ElevatedFunctionalityProvider setting. It will determine the type of elevation that needs to be executed, and it can either be Pin, TemporaryElevationCode, or ElevationBarcode.

Switching between Apps

To switch between all three apps as fast as possible, you can use the corresponding buttons in your user profile. The buttons will redirect you to the other parts of the App Suite without requiring additional login.

Tasks App counter

The button to switch to the Tasks App will also include a counter depicting the number of pending tasks (if any).

App info

General information about the App like the Version, Endpoint, and Watchtower configuration.


Compliancy availability

The Compliancy section is an available feature for the Loyalty App and Checkout App only.


The Audit Documents button will only be visible to users having the EventLedgerAuditing functionality.

A few compliance related activities can be performed from the App, as follows:

  • Print Control Document: More on this can be found under Control Documents chapter of Admin Suite.

  • Audit Documents: The ability to Generate X reports.

Expand for more on Audit Documents

The report's purpose is to summarize the days activities so far, thus for currently open financial periods. So things like your store sales totals (categorized by payment methods), refunds, discounts, and more. The report can be generated at any time without resetting the days information and can be printed if a configured thermal printer exists.

Some things to keep in mind when using this button:

  • The initial display once tapped shows a list of historically generated X reports and by whom with date, time, and the underlying station it was generated for.
  • In scenarios where more than one station is available, you have the option to select which one you would like to print the X report for.

Printing an X report requires setting up a stencil. The stencil configuration is as follows:

  • Type: Template
  • Organization: Leave blank
  • Name: TerminalReport
  • Country: Aligned with your setup / As desired.
  • Language: Leave empty
  • Destination: Thermal printer
  • Content: Sample below

<scope bold=*true* align="center" size="1,1">
{{>Document.Type == 0 ? 'X Report' : 'Z Report'}} #{{>Number}}

<scope align="center" font="FontB" tabs="21">
{#partial TerminalReportHeader}

{{>Document.Supplier.Address.Number}}, {{>Document.Supplier.PostalCode}}

Org.Nr {{>Document.Supplier.RegistrationNumber}}
Tax. Nr {{>Document.Supplier.TaxRegistrationNumber}}

<feed amount="32"/>

Date: {{:~date(Document.CreationTime, 'DD.MM.YYYY', 'se-SE', 'Europe/Stockholm')}}
Time: {{:~date(Document.CreationTime, 'HH:mm:ss', 'se-SE', 'Europe/Stockholm')}}

<feed amount="32"/>

<grid positions="0, 30">
<col width="20">
<bold>Total cash sales</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.GrandTotal, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

<col width="20">
<col>{{:~currency(Document.Change, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>
<col width="20">
<bold>Cashdrawer openings</bold>

<col width="20">
<col>{{: Document.Payments ? Document.Payments.length : 0}}</col>

{{for Document.Payments}}
<col width="20">
{{>Type.Name}} ({{>Count}})
<col>{{:~currency(Amount, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

<col width="20">
<col>{{: Document.Taxes ? Document.Taxes.length : 0}}</col>

{{for Document.Taxes}}
<col width="20">
{{>Name}} ({{:~rateToPercentage(Rate)}})
<col>{{:~currency(Amount, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

<col width="20">
<bold>Payments per employee</bold>
<col>{{: Document.PaymentsPerUser ? Document.PaymentsPerUser.length : 0}}</col>

{{if Document.PaymentsPerUser}}
{{for Document.PaymentsPerUser}}
<col width="20">
Employee {{>UserID}} ({{>Count}})
<col>{{:~currency(Amount, ~root.CurrencyID)}} ({{>Description}})</col>

<col width="20">
<bold>Product groups</bold>

{{for Document.ProductGroups}}
<col width="20">
{{>Code}} ({{>Count}})
<col>{{:~currency(Amount, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

<col width="20">
<bold>Number of discounts</bold>
<col width="20">
<bold>Total amount of discounts</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.TotalDiscounts, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

<col width="20">
<bold>Number of returns</bold>
<col width="20">
<bold>Total amount of returns</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.TotalReturnsAmount, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

<col width="20">
<bold>Number of copies</bold>
<col width="20">
<bold>Total amount of copies</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.TotalCopyReceiptsAmount, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

{{* Grand totals *}}
<col width="20">
<bold>Grand total (cash)</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.GrandTotalCash, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>
<col width="20">
<bold>Grand total</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.GrandTotal, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>
<col width="20">
<bold>Grand total (returns)</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.GrandTotalReturns, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>
<col width="20">
<bold>Grand total (net)</bold>
<col>{{:~currency(Document.GrandTotalNet, ~root.CurrencyID)}}</col>

<feed amount="32"/>

Terminal ID: {{>TerminalCode}}

<feed amount="16"/>

Change environment

If you want to connect to another endpoint, you can use the Switch Endpoint button in the profile screen. If there is only one station available, it will be automatically selected.

Switching environment data

This option will disconnect and erase all data on your device that pertain to the current environment. If you wish to come back to the same environment, you'll need to set up connection to the endpoint again.