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There's three facets to configuring your CFD:

  1. Basic configuration on our side.
  2. Configuration in Contentful.
  3. Configuration in Lokalise.

Basic configuration

Adding a CFD to your Station

Your CFD always lives inside a station. These stations are managed under Management Infrastructure in the Admin.

A CFD only needs to be represented in your station, the connection settings are not required so we only need to set a Name and DeviceType, which should be CustomerDisplay.

Setting correct settings

There's a couple of setting which can affect the behavior of your CFD, POS and the pairing QR code.

App:Customer:ShowVerifyOnCFDButtonEither true or false. Whether to show a button allowing employees to send user fields to the CFD for verification on customer creation.
App:Customer:ShowSearchOnCFDDefaults to false. When set to true, a search button will become available on the CFD for searching on consumers whether that is via a basket flow or a customer search.
App:CFD:IsPassiveDefaults to false. When set to true, interactive components are not displayed and can not be used on the CFD. The corresponding buttons on POS are also hidden.
App:CFD:CollapseBundlesDefaults to false. When set to true, bundles are displayed in a compacted form instead of expanded, with the latter revealing all order lines.
Customer:BlockChangeEmailAddressDefaults to false. When set to true, employees and customers will no longer be allowed to edit customer email addresses after they've been created. This only impacts editing of existing records i.e. has no impact on new customer creations.


In order to pair a CFD a user should have the permission Infrastructure with the scope view.

Downloading the CFD

The connection to your Contentful and Lokalise environments are hardcoded in your customer-specific CFD application. We will get you started with setting up Contentful and Lokalise environments and creating your specific CFD application. We will then supply a link or file for installation.

Pairing the CFD

You can pair your CFD to your POS using one of two methods:

  1. From the Admin.
  2. From the POS.

Pairing always uses a QR code which you can scan from the CFD. If your CFD is already paired to a different station, press the logo in the top three times to head to the scanner again. The POS will also be able to detect nearby CFDs that are unpaired right now.

Pairing from the Admin

To pair your CFD from the Admin, head over to Management Infrastructure. Select your store and your desired station, and click Generate QR to generate a pairing QR.

Pairing from the POS

To pair your CFD from the POS, choose the three-dotted 'more options' button in the sidebar and scroll down until you see Set-up Customer Facing Display. Click this, choose your desired CFD and click Create pairing QR.

If a CFD had been previously configured for a station but is currently unpaired or unavailable, a message is displayed in the Basket and you will be redirected to set up your CFD.


Contentful data will not begin downloading until a successful connection has been established between your CFD and POS.


All the images and videos are stored in Contentful. In Contentful, you have full flexibility of the content per country. Contentful also holds the configuration of the CFD in terms of colors, fonts and the logo.


In order to link your Contentful environment to your CFD, make sure to set the following settings:

App:CFD:Contentful:SpaceIDSpaceID for your CF environment.
App:CFD:Contentful:AccessTokenContent delivery API AccessToken for your CF environment.
App:CFD:Contentful:EnvironmentOptional, to be used if you want to differentiate between environments that contentful offers.

There is also a setting that controls the visibility of the default greeting message during checkout when a customer is added to a basket. The default message, "Hi @customername", appears unless it is specifically configured to be hidden. To hide the message set the following setting:

App:CFD:HideGreetingDefaults to false. When set to true, the greetings message will be hidden.

CFD defaults to Contentful settings from EVA Cloud when available; otherwise, it applies the settings from Watchtower.

This rule applies both when initially configuring CFD and when pairing a previously paired CFD.

When in Contentful, three tabs are important:

  1. Content model
  2. Content
  3. Media

Content model

You can view the content model as the template by which you create your different settings and screens for the CFD. The content model contains seven templates which we preconfigured for you. These templates are then used under Content to add your actual content.


The content menu is where you create the actual content for your CFD based on the templates set under Content model. To add a new entry, click Add entry in the top-right of the screen and choose the template you want to use. Configuring the content should be pretty straight forward and self-guiding. When setting up new Content, using the following order is recommended:

  1. Configuration
  2. Locale
  3. Country settings
  4. Carousel slides
  5. Idle screen
  6. Payment complete screen
  7. Customer validation screen

Of the above, only the last three represent actual screens.


The configuration template holds all basic configuration settings for your CFD's appearance. These settings apply to all of your screens for all of your Locales and will only be set once. For Configuration, we provide the following stylesheet:


Except for the Configuration template, all templates are Locale-specific. A Locale is a language/country combination. Depending on the Admin configuration of the store in which the CFD is being used (LanguageID and CountryID), the CFD shows the correct content for the correct Locale. All other templates use the locale as an indicator for where they should be applied.

A Locale is always notated as en-HT where the first two letters describe the language and the first two letters describe the country (language-COUNTRY). Languages are notated following the ISO 639-1 standard, the country notations follow ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Country settings

The country settings hold some basic settings that can vary between countries.

CountryName for your country entry, the following notation is preferred: Netherlands (en-NL).
LocaleTo which locale this entry should apply.
Display taxWhether to display a separate tax line or not .

Carousel slide holds all content for your idle screen.

NameName for your carousel entry, the following notation is preferred: Carousel slide (en-NL).
Content (image/video)What content to be displayed on your idle screen.
Action buttonOptionally select an action button to be displayed on the idle screen.
TitleTitle on your idle screen.
SubtitleSubtitle on your idle screen.
LocaleTo which locale this entry should apply.

Idle screen

The Idle screen template is where you link your previously configured carousel slide.

NameName for your idle screen entry, the following notation is preferred: Idle screen (en-NL).
LocaleTo which locale this entry should apply.
Carousel slideHere you link your previously configured carousel slide.

Payment complete screen

The Payment complete screen template holds the content for the screen that shows upon payment completion.

NameName for your payment complete entry, the following notation is preferred: Payment complete screen (en-NL).
Content (image/video)What content to be displayed on your payment complete screen.
TitleTitle on your payment complete screen.
SubtitleSubtitle on your payment complete screen.
LocaleTo which locale this entry should apply.

Fallback Locale

Make sure to always have a Locale configured for en-EN. This will be your fallback Locale in case no Locale is available for the store you are currently in.

Gift card balance checker

The customer facing display offer functionality for a gift card balance checker. With this feature, customers can walk up to a CFD that's in Idle mode. They can click the Scan gift card button and then scan their gift card. The CFD will show the remaining balance of the gift card to the customer.


Please note, this only works if there is an integration with Intersolve.

Enabling the balance checker

In your carousel slide, select the Gift card Balance checker as an action button and save your carousel slide. Please make sure your carousel slide is part of the correct idle screen. Restart your CFD App on the iPad. You will now see a button in the middle of the image or video that the customer can use to scan their gift card.

Disabling the balance checker

To disable the balance checker, go to your carousel slide where the balance checker button is active. In the action button dropdown, select "No action button" and save the carousel slide. Restart your CFD App on the iPad. The balance checker is now hidden.

Customer information

When searching for a customer, scanning a customer card from the CFD, or adding a customer from POS, the customer information displayed on CFD will show only the first name.

If there is no available first name, the customer will only be notified that they have been successfully added to the order.

Subscriptions and inquiries

You can configure your own Subscriptions and Inquiries through Admin Suite.

A privacy statement is displayed below the title, informing customers about their rights and how their data is handled.

Employees can set hyperlinks for subscriptions and inquiries, as well as in their descriptions. These are then displayed on the CFD. When users click on these links, they will be directed to the specified page. This feature can be used to direct users to legal disclaimers or privacy policies.

To configure having a hyperlink in the description and its format, check the Subscriptions documentation, namely the Description field.

Generate a digital customer card QR-code

Tapping the Add to wallet QR button in the basket page of your POS or Companion App will display a QR-code on your CFD that contains a link. This link can then be scanned by the customers iOS device to add to his/her Apple Wallet. The link to the CRM page will contain the customers BackendID.

The QR card will contain a title and a subtitle:

  • Title: Add to wallet

  • Subtitle: Scan the QR below to add your customer card to your phone

All the fields above need to be filled in. If so, the QR-card block is visible. If one of the above keys is not filled in, the QR-card block is hidden.

Idle mode

When the internet connection drops and there is no Watchtower available to fall back on, if there is no update from POS after 2 minutes, CFD will enter idle mode.

Debugging modes

There are two debugging modes to help find bugs. One of the modes is in the CFD, the other is in the POS.

CFD debugging mode

To toggle the debug mode on the CFD, tap 5 times in the middle of screen. In the bottom left corner of the screen, a window will appear. You can turn this off by pressing on the 'x' icon.

Connection stateWhether the CFD is connected to POS or not.
Station IDTo which StationID the CFD is subscribed to and what the DeviceID is.
Latest messageWhat the latest message was the CFD received from POS.
Last ActionThe last action state of the CFD.
Enable logsWhen you tap this link, the logs are enabled. When you restart the app the logs are disabled by default.
Share logsWhen the logs are turned on, you can share them with another device via airdrop or email.

POS debugging mode

To toggle the POS debugging mode go to Settings → Set-up Customer Facing Display. In the popup, tap the title five times.

After tapping the title of the alert five times, POS will automatically restart. When logged in again, the left menu bar will show the debugging icon. When you click on the debug menu item the debug view opens.

In here you will see the CustomerFacingDisplayHub. This contains information regarding whether a CFD is active and if so, to which station the Hub is subscribed.