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Case management

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Case Management

Add or edit cases

The Case management chapter is where you can create, view, or edit Cases.

Introduction to cases

Check the Cases introduction page for a general overview of Cases and its uses.

The chapter starts with an overview of all existing cases.


Make use of the right side pane filters to fine-tune your overviews listed cases.

Create cases

To add a new case, simply click the '+' icon, select the organization unit, and start filling in the respective fields as applicable. Mandatory fields are marked by a '*', for example, Organization unit.

Keep in mind that the dropdown for Case topic is based on your respective configuration.

When attaching a customer using the Consumer card, you'll have the option to Attach existing consumer or Create new consumer. When creating a new consumer, the required fields will be based on your User requirements configuration.


When a case is newly created, its default status will be New.

Custom field for cases

Creating, viewing, or editing cases will include custom fields of type cases. Custom fields for cases can be managed from the Case settings chapter using the Custom fields card.

Here is a sample of how a custom field would be displayed. You'll notice that the Field type is also visible (In this sample it was radio buttons).

View or edit cases

Clicking an existing case will present you with the option to edit various case elements such as, Priority (default values: low, medium, high & critical), Case topic and Case status (based on your configurations), the attached Consumer, the attached Order line(s) or product(s), and more.

The majority of editable fields are quite self-explanatory however, let's dig into a few:

  • Add images: Via upload or drop. For example, an image of the received product.
  • Case status: Change the case status. You can also configure a certain case status to perform a specific action when chosen. An example of this can be found under Cases linked to repairs.
  • Summary: Add or edit a summary using the Information side pane Summary card.
  • Product(s): Linking a product to your case or an edit can be done via the Information side pane Product card. You'll be presented with three options:
    • Search product: Search through your product catalog.
    • Search in bought products: This option allows to add a product from a customer's bought products list (if applicable). The Bought products modal will provide details on the products, like name, last purchase date, quantity, total purchased, serial number and warranty status (if applicable).
    • Search in consumer orders: With this one you'll have two options:
      • External order identifier: Used if the order was placed via an external OMS.
      • Search by order number: Used if the order was placed via EVA OMS. Furthermore, use the toggle button to filter only on orders pertaining to the attached consumer. Once an order is identified, you can then simply add the relevant product(s). If an order contains multiple order lines, you can add only one, a few, or all.
Choice of ProductID

You can change what kind of Product ID is displayed in the card.

  • Add interaction logs: a multiline text field to fill as desired, and a checkbox. Checking the box implies that the message is public, and will be shared with the consumer via email (Note: if public logs are desired to be used, make sure the respective case stencil is set up). For more on the filtering feature of this card, check the Interaction log settings section.
Warranty and Serial number information

If there is an endpoint set on the Product:WarrantyEndpoint setting, and a serial number is available, the warranty status and end date will be populated and visible on the Product card. If there is no serial number and no endpoint set for the warranty check, a no warranty status will be populated. Further, if a serial number is available, a chip will be visible displaying the registration status (Pending | Verified | Rejected), and if a warranty is applicable, a chip will be visible displaying the warranty status (Active | Expired | Not covered).

The warranty check is performed via the GetProductWarranty service. A call which requests warranty information from the defined endpoint of the above setting. Further, in order for the service call to work, the request must include a SerialNumber or a OrderLineID to be present and valid.

Cases linked to repairs

Cases can be linked to repairs and vice versa. This can occur in scenarios where a case status is configured in such a way that its action initiates a Repair task.

Once a Case status with an Action type Repair is chosen, you'll be presented with a notification to confirm that a repair task will be started as a result of this action.

Once confirmed (Yes), you will be redirected to the Repairs chapter where you can create the repair.

An overview of any created or linked repair will be shown in the Information side pane of the case under the Repairs card.

Interaction log filter

There are a few types of interaction logs that would display under the Interaction logs card, and things could get quite messy especially if it's a complicated case or repair.

The settings feature allows you to filter on what you really need to see at that moment of time when it comes to interactions. To show all, or just show private, public, system, or repair related interaction logs.

Case stencils

There are four possible case instances where a stencil could be triggered. All four are type Template.

The following table represents those four different instances that, if triggered, will send an automated email to the customer associated with the case.

EventTemplate name
The moment a new case is created.CaseCreatedEmail
The moment a new case interaction is added to the case.CaseInteractionCreatedEmail
The moment a case status has been changed.CaseUpdatedEmail
The moment a case has been set to status that is considered closed.CaseClosedEmail

The stencil should look as follows:

  • Type: Template
  • Organization: Please choose the organization unit you'd like this template to apply to
  • Name: One of the above-mentioned template names.
  • Country: Please choose the country you'd like to set this template to apply to
  • Language: As desired (make sure your content is aligned to the selected language)
  • Destination: Mail

Customize the content of your template(s) as you please. Check a template example here.

Pushed cases

Cases can be pushed from an external system. For more on that please refer to the pushing cases docs.

Export cases

Cases can be pushed to an external system by means of event exports. For more info on exporting, please see Event exports.