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Drop 73

June 24, 2024

🔑 Drop notes structure
Categories & Sections

The release notes are organized into categories, starting with Core, which spotlights a few entries from the most recent four core releases. This is followed by Docs, which covers new documentation pages or features to the portal. Subsequently, All Apps highlights general updates applicable across all applications. Succeeded by dedicated categories for each App individually, like Checkout, Loyalty, Tasks, CFD, etc.

Further categorization follows an alphabetical order representing the modules available in Admin Suite, including modules like Control Room, Financials, Orders, etc.

Each category is then divided into three sections:

🆕 Added -> Lists new features or functionalities.

✅ Improved -> Describes enhancements to existing features or functionalities.

🔧 Fixed -> Details bug fixes that have been addressed.

Order by impactfulness

Within each category, entries are listed in a way we think are most impactful to least.

No change = No notes

In some instances, a drop may include no changes for certain Apps, categories, or sections. In such cases, the corresponding part will not be shown in the notes.

Categories impacted by this drop

Core - Docs - All Apps - POS - Tasks App - Checkout App - Loyalty App - CFD - Admin Suite - Compliance - Control room - Finance - Orders - Organizations - People - PIM - Promotions - Stock - Tasks

release notes image


🆕 EVA Academy

A new section called EVA Academy is now available on the documentation website. This comes with the addition of 5 new assessments that focus on some aspects of how Users & Permissions are managed in EVA.

Check all available assessments here.

All Apps

🆕 Added

Case Barcode Support

You can now scan barcodes to retrieve cases using the scan button on the App's home screen after logging in. A parse barcode of "Type": "CASE" first needs to be configured. More on this here.

POS 2.114.x

🆕 Added

Bundle availability suppression

POS now includes the new prompt suppression capability for bundles as introduced in Core drop 2.0.740. This means that you can configure a bundle not to be presented by means of a "Matching bundle" modal when scanning one of its products.

✅ Improved

Fixed position for payment methods

To complement your employees' muscle memory when it comes to selecting payment methods, we've hardcoded the most used methods as follows:

  1. Cash
  2. PIN
  3. Other payment methods

This means that whatever payment methods you configure, Cash and PIN will always come first (if available).

Display Discounted Price in Return Modal

In the return modal, the price shown for an item will now reflect the discounted sale price, if the item was initially sold at a discount. Previously, the modal displayed the item's original full price.

Serial numbers while in Local mode

Serials numbers can now be entered while in Local mode for products that require it and will remain attached to the order after going back online.

This also means that an order with a serial number requirement cannot proceed to checkout without the serial number. Furthermore, mind that scripting and verification (except for internal valdidation) is not supported.

User Display in the "Sold by" Tile

When using the Sold by tile, the list of employees available for selection will only display users associated with the currently logged-in organization unit.

Rectification 09-07-24

To clarify the new functionality: only such users which have the organisation unit configured as their primary organization unit will be displayed in the Sold by list.

Remembering serial numbers

When scanning a product's serial number and then turning the order into an unreferenced return order, the serial number requirement is now remembered and prefilled for you in the new order.

Required custom fields

POS will now handle required custom fields better, as based on Core drop 2.0.742.

  • Both Order and Order line custom fields which are required, are by default displayed by means of a red border during checkout.
  • If such custom fields are not required, they will be either not be displayed, or displayed only in their corresponding checkout options.
  • You can configure a required custom field of either type to allow it to be skipped despite the requirement by scripting so in the OrderCustomFieldEligibility extension point.

Requirements during customer creation

When creating a new customer in the context of a filled basket, the customer's data which would be required for the order - such as a delivery address - will now be taken into account and make for required fields.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Updating a user's address book will no longer exclude the District and SubDistrict fields.
  • Resolved a problem causing the scanner to pause when scanning a repair order from the Order Details page.
  • Resolved a duplication error in the delivery availability calculation for configurable products.

Tasks App 1.88.x

🆕 Added

ZebraPrinters in SFS

Stations with a ZebraPrinter device will now also be shown in the Ship from Store's stations list.

✅ Improved

Repairs overhaul

We've overhauled most of the Tasks App Repairs flow.

Most of the functionality remains the same, just more intuitive. What's new however is that you can now make use of the User bought products functionality in the Repair flow.

Checkout App 1.88.x

✅ Improved

Required custom fields

Checkout App now has a better way of handling and displaying required custom fields, as based on Core drop 2.0.742.

  • Both Order and Order line custom fields which are required, are by default displayed by means of a red border during checkout.
  • If such custom fields are not required, they will be either not be displayed, or displayed only in their corresponding checkout options.
  • You can configure a required custom field of either type to allow it to be skipped despite the requirement by scripting so in the OrderCustomFieldEligibility extension point.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • The Email Receipt button will be displayed regardless of choice of auditing provider. Additionally, the Done button will be not be available if the email address is invalid.

Loyalty App 1.88.x

🆕 Added

The Loyalty App now supports External User Search when enabled.

✅ Improved

Case to repair OU inheritance

When initiating a repair from a case, the repair will now automatically populate the associated organization unit (OU) linked to the case. Previously, a manual selection was required.

CFD 2.34.x

🆕 Added

Disabling the Default Greeting Message

You can now disable the default greeting message prompted on your CFD when a customer is added to a basket during checkout. This can be done by means of a setting called App:CFD:HideGreeting . More on this here.

Admin Suite 0.46.x

🆕 Added

🆕 UI improvements in Admin Suite

We are progressively rolling out UI enhancements to the Admin Suite across various modules. These updates will include:

  • Improved design and clarity of headers, footers, and buttons on pages and modals.
  • More concise and clear instructional text.
  • Refreshed filter sidebars.

These updates will not alter existing features unless explicitly noted in a separate drop note under the affected module. We are implementing these changes primarily to improve overall consistency and user experience.

Each affected module in the Admin Suite will show a notification. Click on the notification for more details about the UI update. Currently, notifications will appear in the following modules:

Expand to view module names
  • Compliance
  • Control Room
  • Financials
  • Orders
  • Organizations
  • PIM
  • Promotions

The chapters that have received UI enhancements in this drop include:

Expand to view chapter names

✅ Improved

SSO Login Method

SSO options will only be shown if the user attempting to log in is of user type employee. Previously, SSO log in options were visible for other user types.

Custom product requirements

Aside from a UI overhaul, the overview of Product requirements now no longer displays all products, but just the ones with a product requirement attached to them.

Case to repair OU inheritance

When initiating a repair from a case, the repair will now automatically populate the associated organization unit (OU) linked to the case. Previously, a manual selection was required.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Resolved a problem preventing users from creating shared workspaces in the Orders, Promotions, Employees, and Consumers chapters.

Note: This resolution has been applied to both the "Beyond" and "Main" versions of Admin Suite.


🆕 Added


A new chapter called e-invoicing is now available. This chapter shows all invoices that were exported for compliance reasons and allows you to view all related information, which includes the following:

  • General information
  • Customer information
  • Order information
  • Notifications
  • Documents
  • History

🗺️ Compliance by country

🇦🇹 Austria

🆕 Added

Generating the Control Document (Kontrolbeleg)

In Fisklay integrations, users now have the ability to print the Kontrolbeleg at any time. For detailed steps, check here.

🇮🇹 Italy

🔧 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where 100% refund caused discrepancies on the server RT.
🇵🇹 Portugal

✅ Improved

Exempt Tax Rate Visibility on Receipts

If an order includes a product with an exempt tax rate, this rate will not appear in the receipt's Tax Rate table.

View a sample here.

"Desconto" on Receipts

The "Desconto" field on sales receipts will no longer display a negative sign. Since this value inherently represents a discount, it is understood to be negative. Previously, the negative sign appeared next to the "Desconto" value.

🇸🇪 Sweden

✅ Improved

A few translations have been adjusted on the CertifiedInvoice thermal stencil for Sweden. The translation improvements are as follows:

  • "kontrolenhet" now reads "kontrollenhet"

  • "kontrolkod" now reads "kontrollkod"

Control room

🆕 Added

Consolidated Custom Fields Chapters

The custom fields chapters from various modules have been consolidated into a single chapter under the Control Room module. You can access each by selecting one of the tabs in the new overview.

Expand to see the modules from which the Custom fields chapter was moved
  • Orders
  • Organizations
  • People
  • Promotions
  • Stock
  • Tasks

QR Code for PIN Devices

PIN devices now feature an option to view or download a QR code. This allows for a quick connection between the frontend app and the PIN terminal.

✅ Improved

Watchtower API keys

API keys for Watchtower devices are now actively made expired when a Watchtower is reassigned or deleted, allowing for a more secure and efficient communication between the device and its linked EVA instance.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • We fixed an issue where manually syncing Watchtower tasks did not show the appropriate run time.
  • A Watchtower removed in Admin Suite will no longer automatically reconnect when the connection resets.


🆕 Added

Filter payment transactions

The details of a financial period now include a new modal for the Payments card, allowing you to list and filter all the transactions.

✅ Improved

Refunding DGCs

Payment methods of type GiftCardRefund now allow for selecting a specific Digital Giftcard product which the refund must be made on.

Combining General ledgers & Accounts

The chapters General ledgers and General ledger accounts have been combined into General ledgers & accounts. Their functionalities have not been impacted.

Giftcards chapter name change

The Giftcards chpater has been renamed to Giftcard configuration.


🆕 Added

Is shipped status

The Status column for order lines in order detail pages now also include an Is shipped status (in grey).

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Resolved a pagination error in the Custom Fields chapter; previously, despite selecting 25 or more results per page, only 10 were displayed.


✅ Improved

Opening hours chapter

The Opening hours templates and Opening hours types chapters have been combined into a single Opening hours chapter. Its functionalities have not been notably changed.


🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Resolved a pagination error in the Custom Fields chapter; previously, despite selecting 25 or more results per page, only 10 were displayed.


🆕 Added

Adding multiple values in filter field

In the Products chapter overview, you can now enter multiple values in the PIM properties filter.


🆕 Added

Updates to Loyalty Programs

We've introduced three new tabs in the Loyalty Programs chapter:

  • Payment Types
  • Conditions
  • Product Limitations

Additionally, you can now group loyalty programs. Learn more about this feature here.

Product Requirement for Discounts

A new option called Add Product Requirement is now available under the Product Sets action or Products condition.


🆕 Added

Organization unit in Stock mutations

The Stock mutations overview now includes an Organization unit column.

Is shipped status in Purchase orders

The Status column for order lines in purchase orders now also include an Is shipped status (in grey).

✅ Improved

Displaying automated stock corrections

Stock mutations which were made automatically by EVA due to products being sold which seemed out of stock, will now be displayed clearly by means of a new '+1' icon.

Reasons in stock mutations

It is now easier to find the mutation you're looking for based on its reason.

The Reason dropdown in the filter now displays its entries based on the corresponding description (with a fallback on its name) and includes a Show more option to easily navigate through all reasons.

Filtering in Receive goods

The overview page in the Receive goods chapter now allows you to filter on multiple Shipment backend IDs or Purchase order backend IDs at once. These fields also allow for pasting comma-separated lists of their backend IDs.

Date range for stock mutations

The From date filter field in the Stock Mutations Overview is now always prefilled and can no longer be cleared, only adjusted. This is a measure to both incentivize the usage of filters, and to improve the results returned from this extensively complicated service call.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Downloading a stock overview excel now correctly adheres to the filters you currently have selected in the interface.


🆕 Added

Deleting ZCCs

Zoned cycle counts can now be selected and deleted to clean up the ZCCs if mistakes have been made.