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Drop 77

October 14, 2024

🔑 Drop notes structure
Categories & Sections

The release notes are organized into categories, starting with Core, which spotlights a few entries from the most recent four core releases. Note that all but the last Core release are already in production in Beyond, as they follow a different release cycle than the monthly Drop. This is followed by Docs, which covers new documentation pages introduced or features to the portal. Subsequently, All Apps highlights general updates applicable across all applications. Succeeded by dedicated categories for each App individually, like Checkout, Loyalty, Tasks, CFD, etc.

Further categorization follows an alphabetical order representing the modules available in Admin Suite, including modules like Control Room, Financials, Orders, etc.

Each category is divided into three sections:

  • Added: Lists new features or functionalities.
  • Improved: Describes enhancements to existing features or functionalities.
  • Fixed: Details bug fixes that have been addressed.
Order by impactfulness

Within each category, entries are listed in a way we think are most impactful to least.

No change = No notes

In some instances, a drop may include no changes for certain Apps, categories, or sections. In such cases, the corresponding part will not be shown in the notes.

Categories impacted by this drop

Core - Docs - All Apps - POS - Tasks App - Checkout App - Loyalty App - Admin Suite - Compliance - Control room - Financials - Orders - Organizations - People - PIM - Promotions - Stock - Tasks

release notes image


🆕 Settings

🆕 Templates

  • Inform your customers that their repair product has been received safely with stencil template DeferredRepairReceived since Core 2.0.758.
  • Add a VerificationCode to your PickupReminder stencil template, since Core 2.0.757.
  • Display the UnitCost in a PackingSlip template, available since Core 2.0.756.

🆕 Store-specific active discounts

  • Upcoming! Soon our POS will be able to show employees a comprehensive overview of all currently active discounts in their store, being worked on since Core 2.0.757.

✅ Sign order as a requirement

  • Script your SignOrder checkout option to be a requirement, with the SignOrderRequirement since Core 2.0.757.

✅ EVA ID in PushUsers

  • Create and update users directly via the EVA ID since Core 2.0.755.


🆕 Added

New Assessment Available on EVA Academy

A new assessment focused on Pricing is now available.

Check all available assessments here.

All Apps

Main Freeze Notification

Please take into account Main freeze impacting the release timelines for Drops 78 & 79.


We have moved our translation catalogs deployment for our applications from this release onwards. This does require a change for the EVA urls you have whitelisted in your networks.

The following URL should be added to your whitelist:

  • *

For more information, refer to the IP-whitelisting documentation.

POS 2.122.x

🆕 Added

Counting non-cash payments

POS now supports being prompted to count non-cash payment types when opening or closing financial periods. Read more here.

Mobile finance impediments

We introduced a set of possible financial period closing impediments explicitly for organization units of type Mobile.

Payment Type grouping

Payment Types that fall under the same Custom Payment Method can now be grouped in folders in checkout.

Order remark in overview

When selecting an order in the Order Overview, we now also display the Order Remark.

Separate Loyalty and Regular Subscriptions

We've introduced a new feature that separates loyalty linked subscriptions from regular subscriptions in the sidebar. This separation is visible during the basket, and when creating or editing customer profiles. Learn more about this feature here.

Financial period report

We added several bits of information to the financial period reports under More Options.

  • Orders

    • Total order amount
    • Total order amount ex. tax
    • Total quantity of products sold
    • Total quantity of orders paid
  • Return orders

    • Total return order amount
    • Total return order amount ex. tax
    • Total quantity of products returned
    • Total quantity of return orders

✅ Improved

Creating return orders

We drastically improved the process of creating unreferenced return orders. Where before you would have to add all descired lines to an order - and then convert it to a return, converting lines to return lines now is independent of already existing return lines. We simply show the return button if there are non-return lines in the order, allowing you to convert these to return lines as you please.

Serial numbers for gift cards

POS now also accepts scanning barcodes of type SERIALNUMBER when checking gift card balance or configuring a gift card number.

Serial numbers for regular products

POS now also accepts scanning barcodes of type SERIALNUMBER for regular products.

Local Mode indication

We improved our modal which shows when POS switches to local mode. We no correctly indicate which functionalities are definitely still available, and additionally we have add a section mentioning functionalites that are Possibly Unavailable.

Verify order requirement

If you are running a script to check order validation based on the customer object, the corresponding Verify order checkout option tile will always be displayed in the POS' checkout.

Removing Fiscal ID or VAT number

When having set a Fiscal ID or VAT number on an order, they are now also manually removable.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • We fixed an issue where Pick a product discount lines would not show a red border in case the default product was out of stock.
  • We fixed an issue where order barcodes for orders that were completed in Local Mode, would yield no results when being scanned on the order search, only in basket.
  • Fixed an issue where a translatable line was missing in the Console Logging section of the Debug Panel.
  • Fixed an issue where a translatable line was missing for the serialNumber placeholder in the serial number input.
  • Fixed an issue where past dates were not disabled when selecting an expiration date for offers.
  • We fixed an issue where when opening a customer case an error message would appear very briefly while the QR code for the case was loading.
  • We fixed an issue related to displaying what case you currently have selected in the customer cases overview.
  • We fixed an issue where setting subscriptions on users would fail in specific cases where required fileds were missing and the subscriptions pane was accessed from within the basket.
  • We fixed an issue where LoyaltyProgramSubscriptions searches would sometimes yield no results due to previous search request data being conserved.
  • We fixed an issue where scanning coupons would sometimes fail after logging out and immediately back in again.

Tasks App 1.96.x

🆕 Added


By enabling the new setting FindRepairCustomerViaSerialnumber, you can add an additional option for attaching consumers to repairs:

  • Add via Loyalty App
  • Scan Product Serial Number

The latter, new option will ensure the consumer is attached to the repair if the scanned serial number corresponds to a consumer bought product.

✅ Improved

Reservation cleanup tasks

We are altering the logic for triggering refunds after a Reservation cleanup task, ensuring proper use of refunds.

Runner task scanning

The Runner tasks scanning flow is now similar to the other scanning flows, such as for receiving goods. This means the scanner page will now display all scanned items and additionally allow for the scanning of new products. Using the scanner for a runner task will no longer make the scanned product pop up.

Shipping methods for SFS

When creating a shipment for Ship from Store, the App will display only relevant shipping methods/carriers as based on the order type.

External label printers in SFS

We've made some improvements for the use of external label printers in our Ship from Store flow.

When the setting ShipFromStore:ExternalLabelHandlerPrintType is set to 1 or 2, the printer selection display will no longer pop up. You can complete the task without selecting a printer.

Scanning received shipments

Scanning shipments which have already been received, will no longer lead to "Shipment not found" errors. Instead it will either tell the user the shipment has already been received.

Receive goods calendar

The Receive goods calendar section will now display expected shipments more clearly on a month-by-month basis along with when it was shipped exactly.

Swiping in Move Stock Batch

The Move Stock Batch now also supports a swipe to delete action.

Minor change for SFS tasks

Aside from making some back-end optimizations for Ship from Store subtasks, the following visual change is implemented:

  • The text in the SFS Pick/Pack overview now states Start next task later instead of *Create Pack/Ship task Later.

Minor change for Repairs

The Product Details screen, entered when tapping a product in the Repair's overview, now contains more information about the product and its warranty status (if available).

Checkout App 1.96.x

🆕 Added

Reverse interstore orders (Receive)

We now allow for reverse interstore orders within very specific contexts. Read more here

Payment Type grouping

Payment Types that fall under the same Custom Payment Method can now be grouped in folders in checkout.

Required Custom Fields for Percentage and Amount Discount Action

When applying a Percentage or Amount discount action, the requirement of "Required custom fields" (if configured) is now supported.

✅ Improved

General Performance

This release comes with a refactor in some of our data handling, improving overall performance.

Verify order requirement

If you are running a script to check order validation based on the customer object, the corresponding Verify order checkout option tile will always be displayed in the Checkout App's checkout page.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • We fixed an issue where the app would not remember the previously selected station for printing documents, forcing users to manually select a station every time, even when printing multiple documents.
  • We fixed an issue where the VerifyOrder checkout option would not be displayed, even when it was a required step during checkout.
  • We fixed an issue where employees could not scan a product for 'pick a product' discounts other than the default, if a default product was configured.

Loyalty App 1.96.x

🆕 Added

Remark Field in Address Requirements

We have added a new Remark field to the address requirements. By default, this field is hidden. It becomes visible in the edit/create customer flows when enabled. For instructions on how to update address requirements, see our Address requirement documentation.

Scanning Serial Numbers

The Loyalty App can now recognize serial number scans that match any of your configured regular expressions. When a scanned value matches a configured serial number, the app automatically opens the detail view of the purchased product within the user's profile. If there is no match, the app will populate the search field with the scanned barcode data.

Preferred Label for User Requirements

A preferred label now appears on User Requirements set to Display Type: Preferred.

We've added a new card to the Cases details section called Related Repairs. This card shows repairs linked to the case.

More on this here.

✅ Improved

Case Topic Translations

Case topics now support translations in the Loyalty App, based on the user's preferred language.

User Requirements - Preferred Label

When a user requirement is set to Preferred, the "Preferred" label will appear in the title field of that requirement.

Split Subscriptions

The app now adheres to the Subscriptions:SplitUserSubscriptions setting to display and list subscriptions and loyalty programs. These appear in the customer details overview and the sidebar list of active subscriptions and programs. Learn more about this setting here.

Warranty Badge

If a warranty is applicable to an item, a warranty badge will be visible in the following areas:

Expand to see where
  • Searching within customer orders
  • Searching among bought products
  • Creating or editing cases

More on how warranty is configured can be found here.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Fixed a bug in the search feature where searching for employees mistakenly triggered external user search (if configured). Now, filtering for employees excludes external results, as they are not applicable.
  • Resolved an issue where the case topics filter displayed both parent and child topics in the dropdown. It now shows only parent topics.

Admin Suite 0.54.x

🆕 Added

UI Improvements in Admin Suite

We are progressively rolling out UI enhancements to the Admin Suite across various modules, expected to continue until Drop 80. These updates will include:

  • Improved design and clarity of headers, footers, and buttons on pages and modals.
  • More concise and clear instructional text.
  • Refreshed filter sidebars.
  • Capitalized chapter titles.
  • Titled cards in chapters with multiple tabs.

These updates will not alter existing features unless explicitly noted in a separate drop note under the impacted module. We are implementing these changes primarily to improve overall consistency and user experience.

A notification will appear on the Admin Suite main dashboard, providing more details about the UI update. Up until this release, the following modules have been impacted:

Expand to view module names
  • Compliance
  • Control Room
  • Financials
  • Orders
  • Organizations
  • People
  • PIM
  • Promotions
  • Stock
  • Tasks

The chapters that have received UI enhancements in this drop include:

Expand to view chapter names

Main Freeze Notification

Please take into account Main freeze impacting the release timelines for Drops 78 & 79.

The "Need the old admin? Click here" link, found at the bottom of the Admin Suite overview page, will be accessible until February 3, 2025 (Drop 80), extending the original deadline of August 19, 2024 (Drop 75). This extension allows us to incorporate additional feedback.

For more information on the Admin 1.0 switch off process, visit this page.

Remark Field in Address Requirements

We have introduced a new Remark field to the address requirements. By default, this field is hidden and will only appear in specified flows when enabled. For instructions on how to update address requirements, see our Address requirement documentation.

When enabled, the Remark field becomes visible in the following scenarios:

  • While adding or editing an address in the Consumer details page.
  • During address add/edit in the Ship from Store detail pages, applicable to all task subtypes.
  • When adding/updating a consumer address from the Cases details page.
  • In the address add/edit modal on the Organizations page.
  • While editing or adding addresses in Companies chapter.

Displayed Product ID Settings

The scope of the App:CustomerProductValue setting has expanded. For a complete list of affected areas when using this setting and additional details, please refer to the Product ID documentation.

Display of Backend ID on Organization Unit Sets

The Backend ID of Organization Unit (OU) Sets will now be visible under the OU set name in relevant chapters of the Admin Suite (if one is available). Should a Backend ID be unavailable for an OU set, the OU's Backend ID will be shown instead.

This update affects several chapters in the following modules:
  • Compliance
  • Control Room
  • Financials
  • Organizations
  • People
  • Promotions
  • Stock
  • Tasks

✅ Improved

Product Type filters

With the introduction of limit on results from GetProductPropertyType, product property filters no longer allowed for selecting any property that would be returned in the results beyond 50. To fix this, we implemented a search list field everywhere product property types are used like this.

Field "x" Icon Removal

The "x" icon used to clear field inputs was deemed unnecessary across various fields and across multiple chapters. As a result, it has been removed from multiple locations.

To list a few this includes:
  • Settings -> filter pane -> Setting type
  • Reasons -> Organization return -> organization unit
  • Price lists -> create price list -> currency
  • Organizations -> add/edit organization -> address information -> country


🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Resolved a pagination bug in the Audit files chapter that caused the page to become unresponsive.

Control room

🆕 Added

Address Requirements Chapter

A new chapter called Address Requirements has been added. More information on what can be done using this chapter can be found here.

✅ Improved

Assembly Name Based on Device Type

When adding or editing a device, the Assembly Name field automatically updates to show options relevant to the chosen Device Type.

Support for multiple values in Settings

We have improved the way we display multiple values when adding settings.


🆕 Added

More information for closed financial periods

The Financial periods chapter now includes three new tabs for Closed financial periods.

  • Bookkeeping
  • Payments
  • Corrections

✅ Improved


While the entire Invoices chapter has undergone a visual improvement, we've made a functional change to its filter in that it now has more suitable selection fields for both Organization units and Suppliers. These allow for selecting multiple OUs or suppliers respectively.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • We fixed an issue where it was impossible to add cash correction reasons if none existed yet.


🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Resolved a formatting issue with the longitude and latitude fields on the Basic Information tab for an organization unit. Additionally, we've set validation ranges for these fields: latitude must be between -90 and 90, and longitude must be between -180 and 180.
  • Fixed a bug that in some instances caused an error when updating an organization unit's opening hours through the Opening Hours tab.


🆕 Added

Consumers Chapter Updates

A few updates have taken place on the Consumers chapter, as follows:

  • The tab called Personalized promotions has been renamed to Loyalty.
  • The Subscriptions card that existed on the General Information tab has been relocated to the new Loyalty tab.
  • The cards dispalyed within the new Loyalty tab is impacted by the setting Subscriptions:SplitUserSubscriptions.
  • The option to subscribe / enroll consumers.

More on this setting and detailed docs reflecting these changes can be found here.

✅ Improved

Loyalty Program Management via Subscriptions

The LoyaltyProgram handler is no longer available in the dropdown when managing subscriptions. Loyalty programs are now managed via a separate, dedicated flow. For configuration details, refer to the Loyalty Programs documentation.

Grayed Out Organization Units in Dropdown

When an organization unit (single or set), is selected for an employee under their permissions card, it will appear grayed out in the dropdown list for any subsequent Add permissions attempt(s).

Fixed Header in Roles and Rights Table

As you scroll through the Functionalities card, the column headers will now stay fixed at the top.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • In the Roles and Rights chapter, the field titled Deactivate after (optional) has been renamed to Deactivate after. The term "Optional" was mistakenly included in the title, as entering a value in this field is mandatory.
  • In the Consumers chapter, under General Information, we fixed an issue where the Date of Birth field displayed the current date by default when no date of birth was provided. Now, if no date of birth is defined, the field will remain blank.
  • Resolved an issue where the Case topics chapter filter displayed both parent and child topics in the dropdown. It now shows only parent topics.


🆕 Added

Required Custom Fields for Percentage and Amount Discount Action

Required Custom Fields on a Percentage or Amount discount action is now available. The custom fields usable on this discount action are of type Order.

New Quantity Limit Fields on Loyalty Programs

We've added two new fields to the Loyalty Programs configuration options: Overall quantity limit per order and Overall quantity limit per user. These fields are optional and can be found under Payment Types and Product Limitations.

Enable Partial Payment Option for Payment Types in Loyalty Programs

A new field, Allow Partial Payment, has been introduced when configuring payment types within a loyalty program.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when no products were added to loyalty programs with product limitations. Now, EVA will default to the price list when no products are specified, as intended.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented line/string data types custom fields from appearing in the list of custom fields available for the discount conditions User/Order/Orderline custom fields.
  • Resolved a problem where key values were not shown while applying a Product Requirement discount condition with enum values.
  • Resolved a problem where applying the user custom field discount action did not correctly populate the relevant user type custom fields in the selection dropdown.


✅ Improved

Content Culture selection

When selecting a specific content culture in the Content Preview in the Products Chapter, we now only return a selection of content cultures that are available to the Organization Unit the user currently has selected. If the selected OU is the root OU, we will return all available content cultures.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • Resolved a problem that prevented saving a product set when it included only one e-commerce filter product property.
  • Resolved a display error that showed tax rates in decimal form incorrectly.


🆕 Added


While we already recently introduced a new column in the Stock overview called Sales price, we're now expanding this with the new optional column Sales price including VAT.


You can now expand the list of stock locations from which you can return items to suppliers by assigning them the recently introduced Return to supplierable feature via your Stock locations chapter.

🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • The Availability chapter displayed an inconsistent version of the i icon.


🔧 Fixed

Expand to see fix(es)
  • When creating a repair via Admin Suite this gets done on the highest OU level the user has rights to. This could cause a misalignment with some particular stencil templates which were created on a lower level but require the OU to match, and therefore result in it not triggering.
  • A bug could cause products to be displayed in multiples in RTS shipments.
  • Fixed an issue with Ship from Store orders with multiple shipments.
  • The Receive email prompt when creating a new Cycle count will no longer give error messages.


✅ Improved

Pending payments

When using a payment method which relies on some sort of 'pending state' (e.g. Multibanco in PT), EVA Pay will now reflect on the checkout page whether any payments are already pending.

Additionally, for Multibanco specifically, we disabled the back button after having selected it as a payment method to prevent the user from navigating back and adding extra payments, potentially causing overpayment.